Newsletter – November 2022
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Geography and Geographers in a Changing World
By Marilyn Raphael
Our students… are wondering how their geographic education is going to help them find jobs as well as answers to [the world’s] pressing problems. Indeed, they are demanding a truly synthetic geography education that gives them a broad toolkit to tackle the world into which they will graduate. To meet their questions, it is worth reminding ourselves of who we are as geographers, from where we’ve come and to think about where we might be going. And how we fit into today’s world. It helps to take stock of what has happened in context, as we move to the next phase.

Taking Responsibility: AAG Acts on Climate Change
By Gary Langham
In late 2021, AAG and the Climate Action Task Force asked members to weigh in on our role in responding to climate change. An overwhelming majority – 93 percent! — of responding members called upon us to be a leader on climate change, not only in our public actions but also in every aspect of our operations. Your responses provided us with a mandate for transforming our organization’s policies and practice, as well as helping us ground-truth our efforts so far.
Next Week! 35th Annual Geography Awareness Week
Only a few more days until Geography Awareness Week. Our theme this year is World of Possibilities: Geographers at Work. Celebrating the vast career possibilities for geographers, Geography Awareness Week will showcase the work of geographers in strikingly diverse areas. Make sure to tag us on social media with #GeoWeek2022 and share your events so we can put them on our map. Here are other ways to get involved:
- Sign up to become a GeoAdvocate (individuals) or a GeoWeek partner (Institutions and organizations).
- Pick up AAG’s Idea Kit: useful resources for teaching, sharing on social media, and learning more about the challenges and opportunities in geography.
Powerful Geography at Work – Celebrating a Proven Approach to Teaching
By Michael Solem, Brendan Vander Weil, Richard G. Boehm, and Joann Zadrozny
Growing and diversifying the geography discipline and workforce is a complex challenge that needs to be met with an “all-hands-on-deck” effort by geographers and geography organizations. A recent AAG newsletter article made the case that this process should start well before students graduate from high school… Here, we highlight some of the work at the National Center for Research in Geography Education to address the nation’s priorities for broadening participation and workforce development.
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New AAG Series Highlights Geography Program Excellence
The AAG proudly announces the launch of our new Geography Program Profiles series, featuring top geography programs throughout the United States. This series will showcase exceptional geography programs, from community colleges to R1 PhD-granting universities, that demonstrate best practices for building and sustaining healthy geography programs at all levels.
The first two profiles have been published. Click here to learn about Salisbury University’s Geography and Geosciences Department and Lakeland Community College’s Geography and Geospatial Technology Program.
If you’d like to nominate your program for the series, or recommend another program for us to feature, please contact Mark Revell at
Tomorrow – Abstracts due for #AAG2023!
Several important dates are forthcoming for registering and submitting abstracts to the 2023 AAG Annual Meeting. Attendees wishing to submit an abstract for a paper presentation must do so before the deadline on November 10, 2022. Abstracts can be edited until February 9, 2023. As a reminder, the AAG accepts all submitted abstracts and organized sessions for presentation. Note: all abstracts for all presentation types are due on the same date – November 10.
Register and submit your abstract today
Be a Career Mentor at #AAG2023
AAG currently seeks volunteers encompassing a wide range of professional backgrounds, interests, and experiences to participate as Career Mentors during the 2023 Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. Career mentoring provides an open forum for students and job seekers to receive one-on-one and small-group consultation about careers in a variety of industries and employment sectors. To volunteer, please contact us at with a brief note indicating your interest by December 1, 2022.
End of Year Deadlines for Grants and Awards, Students and Professionals
As the calendar year comes to a close, several deadlines for grants and awards are approaching. December 31st marks the deadline for multiple student awards such as the George and Viola Hoffman Award for student research in Eastern Europe and the Hess Community College Geography Scholarship. Students and professionals are invited to apply for fieldwork related awards through an AAG Research Grant or, for individuals and groups working at the intersection of geography and policy, the AAG Meredith F. Burrill Award, both also due on December 31st.
Nominations are currently being solicited for a variety of books in geography awards including the Globe Book Award, the Jackson Prize, and the Meridian Book Award, all of which are due on December 31st. Members may also nominate their colleagues for the Harold M. Rose Award for Anti-Racism Research and Practice due November 15, as well as the Glenda Laws Award for social justice and the AAG Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography, both due December 31.
For colleagues who have made contributions to geography in teaching, consider nominations to the Harm J. de Blij Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Geography Teaching, also due December 31st.
See all grants and awards deadlines
Fall Issue of the AAG Review of Books Published
The latest issue of The AAG Review of Books, Volume 10, Issue 4, is now available with 12 book reviews on recent books related to geography, public policy and international affairs. The new issue also includes two book review forums and three book review essays. One of the essays is available free to read, Pollution is Colonialism; Feminist Queer Anticolonial Propositions for Hacking the Anthropocene: Archive, by Sasha Engelmann.
Check out the latest from the other AAG journals online
November Member Updates
“One lesson that emerges in the Sanibel [Island] is that what was visionary in the past may not be acceptable in the future,” writes member J. Kenneth Mitchell, professor emeritus at Rutgers.
GTU Travel Grant Accepting Applications
The AAG-GTU Travel Award provides support for student members of Gamma Theta Upsilon to attend the national annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers in Denver. Travel awards are available with preference to geography undergraduate and graduate students who are attending an AAG meeting for the first time and who will serve as an author or co-author on a paper or poster being presented at the meeting. The awards will be reimbursed to GTU students for the cost of the virtual ($50) and in-person (up to $200) registrations if they attend the 2023 meeting. The application deadline is December 1, 2022.
More information
Join American Geographical Society in New York City in November
The annual AGS Fall Symposium, Geography 2050, is back in person in New York City at the Columbia University campus after two years of hosting their symposia online. The event will be held November 17 and 18, 2022 and the AAG is one of the event’s sponsors. For the 9th installment of Geography 2050, the theme will be The Future of Food. The Symposium will explore how geography and the use of geospatial technology will affect and transform global food systems.
Learn more
Call for Submissions for you are here: the journal of creative geography
you are here: the journal of creative geography is now accepting submissions for the 2023 issue, counter/cartographies. We seek submissions that trouble and reinvent dominant spatial representations, imaginaries, practices, and knowledge. Recognizing the power of geographic knowledge to shape the world in its image (for better or for worse), we invite radical reimaginings of space, place, and landscape that demonstrate the possibility, necessity, and contours of other worlds — worlds yet to come into being or worlds already here but at the margins of dominant geographic representations and itineraries. We accept submissions in all creative genres, including but not limited to poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, maps, visual art, film, multimedia, virtual art, and soundscapes. Submissions close January 15, 2023.
Visit you are here
Research Fellowships for Cartographers, Geographers
The American Geographical Society Library at UW Milwaukee offers 4-8 fellowships to scholars from around the world. The distinguished collections have strengths in geography, cartography and related historical topics. Read more about the criteria, application process and other information.
GISCI Exam Period Opens in December
The next testing window for the GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge Exam® is December 3-10, 2022. Part of the GISP Certification, the exam will once again be administered by PSI Online through its worldwide testing facilities in a computer-based testing (CBT) format.
More information about the GISP Exam
Upcoming virtual events hosted by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Join the Kauffman Foundation for the November installments of two of their professional development series: the Entrepreneurship Issues Forum on November 14 at 1:30 PM CST and the Early Stage Professional Development Series on November 18 at 1 PM CST.
The November Entrepreneurship Issues Forum will feature various researchers and heartland community partner organizations from the Kauffman Foundation’s Inclusive Ecosystem portfolio— comprised of three-year projects that will explore entrepreneurial ecosystems in the Heartland states, these grants will emphasize holistic, community-led approaches to research on entrepreneurial ecosystems. Grantees will discuss the impact of systemic forces on entrepreneurial ecosystems, as well as highlight ways to engage communities in conversation around geographic inequality, structural racism, and overall community wellness. They will also discuss their work to develop research-driven case studies and tools for assessing equity in ecosystems. Learn more about their work or Register Now.
The November installment of the Early Stage Professional Development Series hosted by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation features the Kenan Institute’s Managing Director, David Knowles, and Director of Research Services, Ashley Brown, who will share about how the Kenan Institute partners with academic researchers to translate and disseminate research, as well as the value that research has on both business and policy audiences. They will discuss ways that PhD students and early career researchers can work with their institutions to develop and promote their research. They will be joined by Travis Howell, assistant professor of strategy at UC Irvine and former Kenan-Flagler PhD student, who will speak to his experience of supporting translational work during his time as a PhD student. The session will include a short presentation and then time for a Q&A. Samples of the Institute’s work in translational entrepreneurship research can be found here. Register for the November session here.
Abstracts Invited for VI International Congress on Risks
The Portuguese Association of Risks, Prevention and Security (RISCOS), in collaboration with the Department of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (FLUC), and other institutional partners, is organizing this conference, under the theme “Risks and Territorial Conflicts: From natural disasters to geopolitical tensions.” The event will be held at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, Portugal May 23-26. Abstracts are being accepted until November 15, 2022.
Learn more
The AAG is saddened to hear of the passing of William Laatsch and David M. Mark this past month.
- November 14-20, 2021 – Geography Awareness Week
- November 20-22, 2021 – Southeast Division (SEDAAG), Atlanta, GA
- March 23-27, 2023 – AAG Annual Meeting, Denver, CO and Online
- May 23-26 , 2023 – VI International Congress on Risks, Portugal