AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
The December 31, 2024 deadline has passed. Applications are not being received at this time. Please monitor the website for when the application window reopens.
A committee awards the annual prize for a book that conveys most powerfully the nature and importance of geography to the non-academic world. An award of $1,000 will be made to the author(s). In any given cycle, the Globe Book Award Committee may also select a second title from the pool of nominations to be recognized with an Honorable Mention.
Books must be written or co-authored by a geographer. Books published for the first time in English, in any country, in the current calendar year or in the period Oct. 1 – Dec. 31 of last year, are now eligible for the awards. Please submit your title for consideration for only one of the three AAG book awards (i.e., J.B. Jackson Prize, Globe Book Award or Meridian Book Award).
As with all other AAG awards, eligibility also rests on the candidate being in compliance with the AAG Professional Conduct Policy. Nominations may be rescinded, and the award may also be revoked for any candidate or awardee who is found in violation of the AAG’s Professional Conduct Policy.
Nomination statements (two page maximum length) should provide full contact information for the author(s) and the nominator(s), including email addresses, and should document the ways the nominated work conveys the nature and importance of geography to the non-academic world. Please email nomination statements to grantsawards@aag.org, indicating “Globe Book Award” in the subject line. Please ship four copies of each nominated book to: American Association of Geographers, attn: Globe Book Award, 1701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 325, Washington, DC 20006.
AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography Recipients
Mauris non tempor quam, et lacinia sapien. Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate. Etiam elit elit, elementum sed varius at, adipiscing vitae est. Sed nec felis pellentesque, lacinia dui sed, ultricies sapien. Pellentesque orci lectus, consectetur vel posuere.

Charlotte Wrigley
Earth, Ice, Bone, Blood is the first of its kind in that it takes a largely unstudied substance — permafrost — and applies it to one of the most pressing issues of the Anthropocene, extinction. The book considers how permafrost disrupts the normative definition of extinction by way of its becoming discontinuous — not just materially, but as a heterogenous and dynamical social category that has implications for all life on Earth. By situating the study in the Russian Arctic, the book also encompasses the fraught history and crucial ecological future of a nation that comprises 65% permafrost.
Published by University of Minnesota Press

2023 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Charlotte Wrigley
2023 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Earth, Ice, Bone, Blood is the first of its kind in that it takes a largely unstudied substance — permafrost — and applies it to one of the most pressing issues of the Anthropocene, extinction. The book considers how permafrost disrupts the normative definition of extinction by way of its becoming discontinuous — not just materially, but as a heterogenous and dynamical social category that has implications for all life on Earth. By situating the study in the Russian Arctic, the book also encompasses the fraught history and crucial ecological future of a nation that comprises 65% permafrost.
Published by University of Minnesota Press

Honorable mentions to Jared D. Margulies and to Colin McFarlane
Honorable mentions to Jared D. Margulies, University of Minnesota Press, “The Cactus Hunters” and to Colin McFarlane, Verso, “Waste and the City: The Crisis of Sanitation and the Right to Citylife.”

2023 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Honorable mentions to Jared D. Margulies and to Colin McFarlane
2023 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Honorable mentions to Jared D. Margulies, University of Minnesota Press, “The Cactus Hunters” and to Colin McFarlane, Verso, “Waste and the City: The Crisis of Sanitation and the Right to Citylife.”

Daniel D. Arreola
Postcards from the Baja California Border (University of Arizona Press, October 2021) by Daniel D. Arreola (Arizona State University) offers a window into the historical and geographical past of storied Mexican border communities. Once-popular tourist destinations from the 1900s through the 1950s, the border communities explored in Postcards from the Baja California Border used to be filled with revelers, cabarets, curio shops, and more. The postcards in this book show the bright and dynamic past of California’s borderlands while diving deep into the historic and geographic significance of the imagery found on the postcards.
This form of place study calls attention to how we can see a past through a serial view of places, by the nature of repetition, and the photographing of the same place over and over again. Arreola draws our focus to townscapes, or built landscapes, of four border towns—Tijuana, Mexicali, Tecate, and Algodones—during the first half of the twentieth century. With an emphasis on the tourist’s view of these places, this book creates a vivid picture of what life was like for tourists and residents of these towns in the early and mid-twentieth century.
Postcards from the Baja California Border is a rich and fascinating experience, one that will take readers on a time-travel journey through border town histories and geographies while celebrating the visual intrigue of postcards.

2022 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Daniel D. Arreola
2022 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Postcards from the Baja California Border (University of Arizona Press, October 2021) by Daniel D. Arreola (Arizona State University) offers a window into the historical and geographical past of storied Mexican border communities. Once-popular tourist destinations from the 1900s through the 1950s, the border communities explored in Postcards from the Baja California Border used to be filled with revelers, cabarets, curio shops, and more. The postcards in this book show the bright and dynamic past of California’s borderlands while diving deep into the historic and geographic significance of the imagery found on the postcards.
This form of place study calls attention to how we can see a past through a serial view of places, by the nature of repetition, and the photographing of the same place over and over again. Arreola draws our focus to townscapes, or built landscapes, of four border towns—Tijuana, Mexicali, Tecate, and Algodones—during the first half of the twentieth century. With an emphasis on the tourist’s view of these places, this book creates a vivid picture of what life was like for tourists and residents of these towns in the early and mid-twentieth century.
Postcards from the Baja California Border is a rich and fascinating experience, one that will take readers on a time-travel journey through border town histories and geographies while celebrating the visual intrigue of postcards.

Honorable Mention: Adam Mathews and Chris Ferrie
ABCs of Geography (Sourcebooks, 2022) by Adam Mathews (Western Michigan University) and Chris Ferrie (Centre for Quantum Software and Information) is a fun, accessible, and informative book about the fundamentals of geography aimed at children and, by extension, their caregivers.

2022 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Honorable Mention: Adam Mathews and Chris Ferrie
2022 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
ABCs of Geography (Sourcebooks, 2022) by Adam Mathews (Western Michigan University) and Chris Ferrie (Centre for Quantum Software and Information) is a fun, accessible, and informative book about the fundamentals of geography aimed at children and, by extension, their caregivers.

James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti for Atlas of the Invisible (W.W. Norton & Company, 2021) for creating a stunning collection of maps and visualizations that tells the stories of our past, present, and future – turning massive datasets into inviting, intriguing, and sometimes disturbing presentations for both geographers and a broader audience.

2021 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
2021 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti for Atlas of the Invisible (W.W. Norton & Company, 2021) for creating a stunning collection of maps and visualizations that tells the stories of our past, present, and future – turning massive datasets into inviting, intriguing, and sometimes disturbing presentations for both geographers and a broader audience.

Alison Mountz
2020 Alison Mountz, The Death of Asylum: Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago, University of Minnesota Press, 2020

2020 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Alison Mountz
2020 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2020 Alison Mountz, The Death of Asylum: Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago, University of Minnesota Press, 2020

Adam Moore
2019 Adam Moore, Empire’s Labor: The Global Army that Supports U.S. Wars, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019

2019 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Adam Moore
2019 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2019 Adam Moore, Empire’s Labor: The Global Army that Supports U.S. Wars, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019

Tara Patricia Cookson
2018 Tara Patricia Cookson, Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs, University of California Press, 2018

2018 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Tara Patricia Cookson
2018 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2018 Tara Patricia Cookson, Unjust Conditions: Women’s Work and the Hidden Cost of Cash Transfer Programs, University of California Press, 2018

Clyde Woods
The late Clyde Woods for developing a one-of-a-kind research program engaging social and public policy issues by examining the cultural practices of those oppressed by such policies. His book, Development Arrested, was highly acclaimed and a model of interdisciplinary research. Woods will be remembered as an important mentor to many, and as a public intellectual challenging how we understand race and human geographic knowledge production.

2017 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Clyde Woods
2017 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
The late Clyde Woods for developing a one-of-a-kind research program engaging social and public policy issues by examining the cultural practices of those oppressed by such policies. His book, Development Arrested, was highly acclaimed and a model of interdisciplinary research. Woods will be remembered as an important mentor to many, and as a public intellectual challenging how we understand race and human geographic knowledge production.

Nicole Nguyen
2016 Nicole Nguyen, A Curriculum of Fear, University of Minnesota Press

2016 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Nicole Nguyen
2016 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2016 Nicole Nguyen, A Curriculum of Fear, University of Minnesota Press

Stephen J. Hornsby and Richard W. Judd, Eds
2015 Stephen J. Hornsby and Richard W. Judd, Eds; Michael J. Hermann (Cartographic Designer), Historical Atlas of Maine, University of Maine Press

2015 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Stephen J. Hornsby and Richard W. Judd, Eds
2015 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2015 Stephen J. Hornsby and Richard W. Judd, Eds; Michael J. Hermann (Cartographic Designer), Historical Atlas of Maine, University of Maine Press

Paul Knox
2014 Paul Knox, Atlas of Cities, Princeton University Press

2014 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Paul Knox
2014 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2014 Paul Knox, Atlas of Cities, Princeton University Press

Michael Dear
2013 Michael Dear, Why Walls Won’t Work: Repairing the US-Mexico Divide, Oxford University Press

2013 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Michael Dear
2013 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2013 Michael Dear, Why Walls Won’t Work: Repairing the US-Mexico Divide, Oxford University Press

Laura Pulido
2012 Laura Pulido, Laura Barraclough and Wendy Cheng, A People’s Guide to Los Angeles, University of California Press.

2012 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Laura Pulido
2012 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2012 Laura Pulido, Laura Barraclough and Wendy Cheng, A People’s Guide to Los Angeles, University of California Press.

Jim Kimmel and Jerry Touchstone Kimmel
2011 Jim Kimmel and Jerry Touchstone Kimmel (photographs), Exloring the Brazos River from Beginning to End, Texas A&M University.

2011 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Jim Kimmel and Jerry Touchstone Kimmel
2011 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2011 Jim Kimmel and Jerry Touchstone Kimmel (photographs), Exloring the Brazos River from Beginning to End, Texas A&M University.

Esther Jacobson-Tepfer and James E. Meacham
2010 Esther Jacobson-Tepfer and James E. Meacham, Archeology and Landscape in the Mongolian Altai (Gary Tepfer, Photography), Esri Press

2010 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Esther Jacobson-Tepfer and James E. Meacham
2010 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2010 Esther Jacobson-Tepfer and James E. Meacham, Archeology and Landscape in the Mongolian Altai (Gary Tepfer, Photography), Esri Press

Stuart Elden
2009 Stuart Elden, Terror and Territory, The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press.

2009 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Stuart Elden
2009 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2009 Stuart Elden, Terror and Territory, The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press.

Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman
2008 Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman, Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory, Center for American Places.

2008 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman
2008 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2008 Owen J. Dwyer and Derek H. Alderman, Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory, Center for American Places.

Trudy A. Suchan, Marc J. Perry, James D. Fitzsimmons, Anika E. Juhn, Alexander M. Tait and Cynthia A. Brewer
2007 Trudy A. Suchan, Marc J. Perry, James D. Fitzsimmons, Anika E. Juhn, Alexander M. Tait and Cynthia A. Brewer, Census Atlas of the United States, Washington, DC: US Census Bureau Press.

2007 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Trudy A. Suchan, Marc J. Perry, James D. Fitzsimmons, Anika E. Juhn, Alexander M. Tait and Cynthia A. Brewer
2007 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2007 Trudy A. Suchan, Marc J. Perry, James D. Fitzsimmons, Anika E. Juhn, Alexander M. Tait and Cynthia A. Brewer, Census Atlas of the United States, Washington, DC: US Census Bureau Press.

Bruce D'Arcus
2006 Bruce D’Arcus, Boudaries of Dissent: Protest and State Power in the Media Age, New York, NY. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

2006 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Bruce D'Arcus
2006 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2006 Bruce D’Arcus, Boudaries of Dissent: Protest and State Power in the Media Age, New York, NY. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Dydia DeLyser
2005 Dydia DeLyser, Ramona Memories: Tourism and the Shaping of Southern California, University of Minnesota Press.

2005 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Dydia DeLyser
2005 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2005 Dydia DeLyser, Ramona Memories: Tourism and the Shaping of Southern California, University of Minnesota Press.

James R. "Pete" Shortridge
2004 James R. “Pete” Shortridge, Cities on the Plains: The Evolution of Urban Kansas, University of Kansas Press.

2004 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
James R. "Pete" Shortridge
2004 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2004 James R. “Pete” Shortridge, Cities on the Plains: The Evolution of Urban Kansas, University of Kansas Press.

Neil Smith, American Empire
2003 Neil Smith, American Empire, Roosevelt’s Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization, University of California Press.

2003 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Neil Smith, American Empire
2003 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2003 Neil Smith, American Empire, Roosevelt’s Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization, University of California Press.

Mark Monmonier
2002 Mark Monmonier, Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and Future of Privacy, University of Chicago Press.

2002 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
Mark Monmonier
2002 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2002 Mark Monmonier, Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and Future of Privacy, University of Chicago Press.

William G. Loy
2001 William G. Loy, Atlas of Oregon, University of Oregon Press

2001 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
William G. Loy
2001 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2001 William G. Loy, Atlas of Oregon, University of Oregon Press

James R. "Pete" Shortridge
2004 James R. “Pete” Shortridge, Cities on the Plains: The Evolution of Urban Kansas, University of Kansas Press.

2000 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
James R. "Pete" Shortridge
2000 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography
2004 James R. “Pete” Shortridge, Cities on the Plains: The Evolution of Urban Kansas, University of Kansas Press.