- About
- Eligibility
- Submission Procedures
- Notification
- Presentation Guidelines
- About Dr. Nystrom
- Previous Recipients
J. Warren Nystrom Award
Deadline: September 22, 2024
A fund established by former AAG Executive Director J. Warren Nystrom supports an annual prize for a paper based upon a recent dissertation in geography. Papers must be presented at the upcoming AAG Annual Meeting.
Eligibility for this competition is restricted to AAG members who have received the Ph.D. degree since April 1, 2022 and who have been members of the AAG for 2022, 2023 and 2024.
The Nystrom Award Review Committee will complete the evaluation process by early December. The Annual Meeting Preliminary Program (usually available in January) will indicate those individuals advancing to the final round of the competition (i.e. presentation at the Annual Meeting). Finalists will be invited to submit their papers for consideration for publication in The Professional Geographer. From the Nystrom competition papers presented at the Annual Meeting, the Review Committee will recommend one to two cash awards. The total annual prize awarded is $1,000.
Submission Procedures
Applications for the J. Warren Nystrom Award competition should be submitted no later than the deadline (Eastern Standard Time).
The committee will select papers to be included in a special Nystrom Award session or sessions at the AAG Annual Meeting. Unless authors indicate otherwise, papers not selected for the final competition will be included in appropriate sessions of the Annual Meeting program. Authors who have submitted a paper to the Nystrom competition may not also enter it in a different paper session at the Annual Meeting, as this contravenes the one-paper-per-person limit. Authors should submit a different paper for a regular paper session and they are expected to forego the regular paper session, if they are selected to present as a finalist in the Nystrom session.
As with all other AAG awards, eligibility also rests on the candidate being in compliance with the AAG Professional Conduct Policy. Nominations may be rescinded, and the award may also be revoked for any candidate or awardee who is found in violation of the AAG’s Professional Conduct Policy.
The Nystrom Award Review Committee will complete the evaluation process by early December. The AAG Annual Meeting Preliminary Program available in January will indicate those individuals advancing to the final round of the competition (i.e. presentation at the Annual Meeting). Finalists will be invited to submit their papers for consideration for publication in The Professional Geographer.
Presentation Guidelines
A complete application will consist of:
- Registration for the Annual Meeting and submitting your abstract online
- The paper (PDF only) submitted as a single document with the following parts in this order:
a) An abstract of no more than 250 words
b) The paper text which must not exceed 5,000 words and should be double-spaced. A co-authored paper is acceptable according to the following criteria: the applicant must provide a separate statement that details the degree and depth of their contribution to the research being presented in the paper, and the applicant must also state what role they had in the writing of the paper itself.
c) Cited references only. References should be cited parenthetically in the text beginning with the author’s last name and followed by the year of publication. Citation of two or more publications having the same author appearing in the same year should be distinguished by sequentially lettered dates, (Brown 1943b) for example. The usage “in press” indicates that the work listed has been formally accepted for publication. Provide full titles of books and periodicals. For illustrations of appropriate citations, authors should consult the most recent issue of The Professional Geographer as well as the current edition of Chicago Manual of Style. References should be listed (double-spaced) on a separate sheet immediately after the text and “Notes.” Entitle the section “References” and list all references alphabetically by the author’s surname and then chronologically.
d) Acknowledgements (Optional)
If necessary, acknowledgements should be placed under a separate center heading, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, at the end of the paper. Tables, Drawings and Photos: You may include essential tables, black and white drawings (such as maps and graphs), and black and white or color photos. Double space all tables and list sources for tables, maps and photos. - A letter of endorsement from your graduate advisor that verifies the relationship of the paper to your dissertation work. The endorsement letter should also address why the advisor believes the applicant’s work is deserving of an award as prestigious as the J.W. Nystrom Award [see c) and d) in the Criteria for Review section, below].
If your paper is selected, you will be allotted 15 minutes to present and discuss your paper. Whereas the chairs of regular sessions have some discretion as to the organization of their program of papers, the Chair of the Nystrom Session will adhere rigidly to the 15 minutes per presentation rule.
Criteria for Review
a) Eligibility requirements
b) adherence to format for submission
c) originality of ideas and potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge in particular subfields of the discipline
d) clarity and effectiveness of written style e) quality and effectiveness of oral presentation at the AAG Annual Meeting special session.
Committee Recommendations
From the Nystrom competition papers presented at the Annual Meeting, the Review Committee will recommend one to two cash awards, totaling $1,000.
For questions or difficulties, please contact grantsawards@aag.org or call the AAG at 202-234-1450.
About Dr. Nystrom
Dr. John Warren Nystrom was a graduate of Clark University in Worcester, Mass., where he received his Doctor of Philosophy in Geography in 1942. Dr. Nystrom was an exceptional educator and professor of geography for many years at Rhode Island College, University of Pittsburgh, George Washington University, and Florida Atlantic University. Beyond academia, Dr. Nystrom had a long and productive career in international relations as a senior official in the Foreign Policy Department at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a partner in the international relations consulting firm of Allen, Murden and Nystrom, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution. He also represented the United States at UNESCO, the United Nations’ educational, scientific, and cultural organization. Dr. Nystrom was Executive Director of the Association of American Geographers from 1966-1979. He received AAG Honors and published a number of geography textbooks and periodicals on U.S. relations with the European Community, Canada and Latin America.
Photograph and biographical material thanks to AAG Newsletter and Burlington Free Press.
AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award Recipients
Mauris non tempor quam, et lacinia sapien. Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate. Etiam elit elit, elementum sed varius at, adipiscing vitae est. Sed nec felis pellentesque, lacinia dui sed, ultricies sapien. Pellentesque orci lectus, consectetur vel posuere.
Gengchen Mai
Gengchen Mai, University of Georgia, “Towards General-Purpose Representation Learning of Polygonal Geometries”
2023 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Gengchen Mai
2023 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Gengchen Mai, University of Georgia, “Towards General-Purpose Representation Learning of Polygonal Geometries”
Hilary Faxon
Hilary Faxon, University of California Berkeley, Welcome to the digital village: networking geographies of agrarian change.
2022 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Hilary Faxon
2022 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Hilary Faxon, University of California Berkeley, Welcome to the digital village: networking geographies of agrarian change.
Daniela Aiello
Daniela Aiello, Queen’s University, “A colonial genealogy of eviction: racialized dispossesion in Atlanta and Vancouver.”
2021 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Daniela Aiello
2021 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Daniela Aiello, Queen’s University, “A colonial genealogy of eviction: racialized dispossesion in Atlanta and Vancouver.”
Ziqi Li
Ziqi Li, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, “Computational Improvements to Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression.”
2021 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Ziqi Li
2021 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Ziqi Li, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, “Computational Improvements to Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression.”
Marynia Kolak
Marynia Kolak, University of Chicago, “Distilling the Effect of the Great Recession on Food Access in a Segregated City: A Spatial, Quasi-Experimental Approach”
2020 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Marynia Kolak
2020 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Marynia Kolak, University of Chicago, “Distilling the Effect of the Great Recession on Food Access in a Segregated City: A Spatial, Quasi-Experimental Approach”
Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson
Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson, California State University – Sacramento, “Paleolandscape modeling support for a potential pre-Columbian Anthropocene in the southern Sierra Nevada, California”
2019 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson
2019 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson, California State University – Sacramento, “Paleolandscape modeling support for a potential pre-Columbian Anthropocene in the southern Sierra Nevada, California”
Pronoy Rai
Pronoy Rai, Portland State University, “Seasonal Masculinities: Seasonal Labor Migration and Masculinities in Rural Western India”
2019 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Pronoy Rai
2019 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Pronoy Rai, Portland State University, “Seasonal Masculinities: Seasonal Labor Migration and Masculinities in Rural Western India”
Bisola Falola
Bisola Falola, Ph.D., Univerrsity of Texas – Austin, “Terrains of Trauma – Urban Youth and Policies of Disinvestment”
2018 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Bisola Falola
2018 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Bisola Falola, Ph.D., Univerrsity of Texas – Austin, “Terrains of Trauma – Urban Youth and Policies of Disinvestment”
Qunshan Zhao
Qunshan Zhao, Ph.D., Arizona State University, “Impact of tree locations and arrangements on outdoor microclimates and human thermal comfort in an urban residential environment”
2018 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Qunshan Zhao
2018 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Qunshan Zhao, Ph.D., Arizona State University, “Impact of tree locations and arrangements on outdoor microclimates and human thermal comfort in an urban residential environment”
Case Watkins
Case Watkins, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, “Complex landscapes in the African diaspora: Five centuries of palm oil development on Bahia’s Dende Coast”
2017 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Case Watkins
2017 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Case Watkins, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, “Complex landscapes in the African diaspora: Five centuries of palm oil development on Bahia’s Dende Coast”
Kimberley Thomas
Kimberley Thomas, Ph.D., Rutgers University. “The River-Border Complex: Governing Flows in South Asia”
2016 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Kimberley Thomas
2016 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Kimberley Thomas, Ph.D., Rutgers University. “The River-Border Complex: Governing Flows in South Asia”
John Paul Catungal
John Paul Catungal, Ph.D, University of British Columbia. “Therapeutic spaces as political geographies: performing ethno-specificity in sexual health promotion.”
2015 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
John Paul Catungal
2015 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
John Paul Catungal, Ph.D, University of British Columbia. “Therapeutic spaces as political geographies: performing ethno-specificity in sexual health promotion.”
Martha Bell
Martha Bell, Ph.D, Pennsylvania State University. “Historical Political Ecology of Water: Municipal Water Governance in Colonial Lima, Peru (1578-1700).
2014 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Martha Bell
2014 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Martha Bell, Ph.D, Pennsylvania State University. “Historical Political Ecology of Water: Municipal Water Governance in Colonial Lima, Peru (1578-1700).
Joseph Holler
Joseph Holler, PhD, University of Buffalo. “Is Sustainable Adaptation Possible? Determinants of Adaptation on Mount Kilimanjaro.”
2012 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Joseph Holler
2012 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Joseph Holler, PhD, University of Buffalo. “Is Sustainable Adaptation Possible? Determinants of Adaptation on Mount Kilimanjaro.”
Daehyun Kim
Daehyun Kim, PhD, University of Kentucky. “Fluvial-Geomorphic Processes of Salt Marsh Creeks Shape Spatial Trends in Vegetation by Complicating Environmental Stress Gradients.”
2011 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Daehyun Kim
2011 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Daehyun Kim, PhD, University of Kentucky. “Fluvial-Geomorphic Processes of Salt Marsh Creeks Shape Spatial Trends in Vegetation by Complicating Environmental Stress Gradients.”
Clark Gray
Clark Gray, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2008. “Environment, Land and Rural Out-Migration in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes.”
2010 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Clark Gray
2010 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Clark Gray, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2008. “Environment, Land and Rural Out-Migration in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes.”
Tina Mangieri
Tina Mangieri, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2007. “African cloth, export production, and secondhand clothing in Kenya.”
2009 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Tina Mangieri
2009 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Tina Mangieri, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2007. “African cloth, export production, and secondhand clothing in Kenya.”
Chris S. Duvall
Chris S. Duvall, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006. “Settlement ecology and chimpanzee habitat in Mali.”
2008 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Chris S. Duvall
2008 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Chris S. Duvall, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006. “Settlement ecology and chimpanzee habitat in Mali.”
Lawrence Kiage
Lawrence Kiage, PhD, Louisiana State University, 2007. “Vegetation Change and Land Degradation in the Lake Baringo Basin, Kenya, East Africa: Evidence from the Paleorecord.”
2008 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Lawrence Kiage
2008 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Lawrence Kiage, PhD, Louisiana State University, 2007. “Vegetation Change and Land Degradation in the Lake Baringo Basin, Kenya, East Africa: Evidence from the Paleorecord.”
Xuwei Chen
Xuwei Chen, PhD, Texas State University, San Marcos, 2006. “Microsimulation of Hurricane Evacuation Strategies of Galveston Island.”
2007 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Xuwei Chen
2007 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Xuwei Chen, PhD, Texas State University, San Marcos, 2006. “Microsimulation of Hurricane Evacuation Strategies of Galveston Island.”
Julie Silva
Julie Silva, PhD, Rutgers University, 2005. “Neoliberalization and inequality in Mozambique: A Case study in the use of iterative mixed methods.”
2007 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Julie Silva
2007 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Julie Silva, PhD, Rutgers University, 2005. “Neoliberalization and inequality in Mozambique: A Case study in the use of iterative mixed methods.”
Matthew Peros
Matthew Peros, PhD, University of Toronto, 2005. “Middle to Late Holocene Environmental Change and Archaeology on the North Coast of Central Cuba.”
2006 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Matthew Peros
2006 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Matthew Peros, PhD, University of Toronto, 2005. “Middle to Late Holocene Environmental Change and Archaeology on the North Coast of Central Cuba.”
Lynn M. Resler
Lynn M. Resler, PhD, Texas State University, 2004. For her dissertation research concerned with the dynamics and processes that influence alpine treeline spread across multiple spatial scales.
2005 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Lynn M. Resler
2005 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Lynn M. Resler, PhD, Texas State University, 2004. For her dissertation research concerned with the dynamics and processes that influence alpine treeline spread across multiple spatial scales.
David Carr
David Carr, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2002. “Examining the Proximate and Underlying Causes of Tropical Deforestation: Migration and Land Use in the Sierra de Lacazndon National Park, Guatemala.”
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
David Carr
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
David Carr, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2002. “Examining the Proximate and Underlying Causes of Tropical Deforestation: Migration and Land Use in the Sierra de Lacazndon National Park, Guatemala.”
Martin Doyle
Martin Doyle, The Source: How Rivers Made America and America Remade its Rivers, W.W. Norton, 2018 |
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Martin Doyle
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Martin Doyle, The Source: How Rivers Made America and America Remade its Rivers, W.W. Norton, 2018 |
Jennifer Miller
Jennifer Miller, PhD, San Diego State University and University of California Santa Barbara, 2003. “Incorporating Spatial Dependence in Predictive Vegetation Models: Residual Interpolation Methods.”
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Jennifer Miller
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Jennifer Miller, PhD, San Diego State University and University of California Santa Barbara, 2003. “Incorporating Spatial Dependence in Predictive Vegetation Models: Residual Interpolation Methods.”
Carl Reese
Carl Reese, PhD, Louisiana University, 2003. “A 25,000 Year High Resolution Pollen Record from the Sajama Ice Cap, Bolivia.”
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Carl Reese
2004 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Carl Reese, PhD, Louisiana University, 2003. “A 25,000 Year High Resolution Pollen Record from the Sajama Ice Cap, Bolivia.”
Deborah Feder
Deborah Feder, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2001. “Rethinking U.S. Energy Use with End-Use Analysis and Regional Geography.”
2003 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Deborah Feder
2003 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Deborah Feder, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2001. “Rethinking U.S. Energy Use with End-Use Analysis and Regional Geography.”
Shanti Gamper Rabindran
Shanti Gamper Rabindran, PhD, Rockefeller University, 2001. “The Role of Large and Small Landholders during Indonesia’s Land Fires: A GIS-Econometric Analysis of Satellite, Land Use, and Spatial Data.”
2002 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Shanti Gamper Rabindran
2002 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Shanti Gamper Rabindran, PhD, Rockefeller University, 2001. “The Role of Large and Small Landholders during Indonesia’s Land Fires: A GIS-Econometric Analysis of Satellite, Land Use, and Spatial Data.”
Wendy Wolford
Wendy Wolford, PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 2001. “This Land is Ours Now: Social Movement Formation and Struggle for Land in Brazil.”
2002 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Wendy Wolford
2002 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Wendy Wolford, PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 2001. “This Land is Ours Now: Social Movement Formation and Struggle for Land in Brazil.”
Douglas Deur
Douglas Deur, PhD, Louisiana State University, 2000. “Traces of Plant Cultivation on the ‘Non-Agricultural” Northwest Coast.”
2001 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Douglas Deur
2001 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Douglas Deur, PhD, Louisiana State University, 2000. “Traces of Plant Cultivation on the ‘Non-Agricultural” Northwest Coast.”
Honorable mentions to Betsy Donald and to Martin Roberge
Honorable mentions to Betsy Donald, PhD, University of Toronto, 2000. “The Permeable City: Toronto’s Spatial Shift at the Turn of the Millennium;” and to Martin Roberge, PhD, Arizona State University, 1999. “Bridge Design along the Lower Salt River.”
2001 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Honorable mentions to Betsy Donald and to Martin Roberge
2001 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Honorable mentions to Betsy Donald, PhD, University of Toronto, 2000. “The Permeable City: Toronto’s Spatial Shift at the Turn of the Millennium;” and to Martin Roberge, PhD, Arizona State University, 1999. “Bridge Design along the Lower Salt River.”
Derek H. Alderman
Derek H. Alderman, PhD, University of Georgia, 1998. “A Street Fit for a King: Naming Places and Scaling Memory in the American South.”
2000 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Derek H. Alderman
2000 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Derek H. Alderman, PhD, University of Georgia, 1998. “A Street Fit for a King: Naming Places and Scaling Memory in the American South.”
Donald A. Friend
Donald A. Friend, PhD, Arizona State University, 1997. “Evolution of Desert Colluvial Boulder Fields, Eastern California.”
1999 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Donald A. Friend
1999 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Donald A. Friend, PhD, Arizona State University, 1997. “Evolution of Desert Colluvial Boulder Fields, Eastern California.”
Wei Li
Wei Li, PhD, University of Southern California, 1997. “Spatial Transformation of an Urban Ethnic Community: From Chinatown to Chinese Ethnoburb in Los Angeles.”
1999 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Wei Li
1999 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Wei Li, PhD, University of Southern California, 1997. “Spatial Transformation of an Urban Ethnic Community: From Chinatown to Chinese Ethnoburb in Los Angeles.”
Karen E. Till
Karen E. Till, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. “Place and the Politics of Memory: A Geo-Ethnography of Museums and Memorials in Berlin.”
1998 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Karen E. Till
1998 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Karen E. Till, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. “Place and the Politics of Memory: A Geo-Ethnography of Museums and Memorials in Berlin.”
Meghan Cope
Meghan Cope, PhD, University of Colorado, 1995. “Households and Structuration of Place: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1920 1939.”
1997 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Meghan Cope
1997 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Meghan Cope, PhD, University of Colorado, 1995. “Households and Structuration of Place: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1920 1939.”
Stephen E. Silvern
Stephen E. Silvern, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995. “Spatial Ideologies and the Politics of Wisconsin Ojibwe Treaty Rights: Negotiating State Tribal Relations.”
1997 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Stephen E. Silvern
1997 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Stephen E. Silvern, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995. “Spatial Ideologies and the Politics of Wisconsin Ojibwe Treaty Rights: Negotiating State Tribal Relations.”
Steve Herbert
Steve Herbert, PhD, University of California Los Angeles, 1995. “Territoriality and the Police.”
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Steve Herbert
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Steve Herbert, PhD, University of California Los Angeles, 1995. “Territoriality and the Police.”
David McGinnis
David McGinnis, PhD, Penn State University, 1994. “Downscaling Techniques for Snowfall Prediction in Global Change Studies.”
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
David McGinnis
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
David McGinnis, PhD, Penn State University, 1994. “Downscaling Techniques for Snowfall Prediction in Global Change Studies.”
Francis Harvey
Francis Harvey, PhD, University of Washington, 1996. “Geographic Integration: From Holism to System.”
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Francis Harvey
1996 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Francis Harvey, PhD, University of Washington, 1996. “Geographic Integration: From Holism to System.”
Normand E. Bergeron
Normand E. Bergeron, PhD, SUNY Buffalo, 1994. “Stream Bed Roughness and Resistance to Flow in Natural Gravel Bed Streams.”
1995 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Normand E. Bergeron
1995 AAG J. Warren Nystrom Award
Normand E. Bergeron, PhD, SUNY Buffalo, 1994. “Stream Bed Roughness and Resistance to Flow in Natural Gravel Bed Streams.”