Newsletter – September 2022

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Sign with message, "System change not Climate Change"; Photo by Ma Ti, Unsplash
Credit: Ma Ti, Unsplash

Finally, a commitment to mitigate climate change and its effects

By Marilyn Raphael

On Wednesday August 10th, AAG alerted its US members to urge our representatives to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that promised the most major investment in climate action that the United States has ever made. On August 16th 2022, President Biden signed that bill into law. It is being hailed as “the most ambitious climate bill in United States history.” This law has been a long time coming, is different in many ways from the original Build Back Better Bill, and has a number of controversial elements that can and should be debated. As its name suggests, it is more broadly focused than climate change but, of relevance to our society is that it provides $369 billion in funding to mitigate climate change and its effects.

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Registration open for the 2023 AAG Annual Meeting

Join us for a meeting the will be a mile high and thousands of miles wide. The hybrid AAG 2023 will take place virtually and in person in Denver March 23-27. Two ways to experience the meeting will be available to attendees, in-person or virtual. The call for papers and registration is also open!

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2023 Committee and Council Vacancies

Openings are available to serve on either the AAG Honors Committee or the AAG Nominating Committee. Nominations and self-nominations of members who wish to serve on these committees should email .

The AAG Nominating Committee for the 2023 AAG Election seeks nominations for Vice President (one to be elected) for National Councilor (two vacancies), and for International Councilor (one vacancy) for the 2023 election. Those elected will take office on July 1, 2023. Nominations are due no later than September 15, 2022. The AAG encourages nominations of a broad range of colleagues who reflect different disciplinary specialties, regional locations, gender, race, ethnicity, diverse ability, stage in career, and institutional diversity (e.g., candidates at non-PhD-granting or 2-year degree-granting institutions, and/or candidates who serve in Historically Black, Hispanic Serving, and tribal colleges).

Nominators should, to the best of their ability, ascertain that nominees are AAG members with unrestricted rights to be eligible for these elected positions (i.e., persons who are known to be in compliance with the ).

Please submit the names and addresses of each nominee and your reasons for supporting the nomination to the AAG Nominating Committee, no later than September 15, 2022. As part of your nomination statement, please confirm that the person is willing to be considered for the position for which you are recommending them. Nominations by email are strongly preferred.

Nominations for Vice President should be directed to , Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations for National Councilor should be directed to , Nominating Committee Member. Nominations for International Councilor should be directed to , Nominating Committee Member.

AAG Honors and Awards: Recognize your Colleagues

There are only a few days left to nominate a colleague—or yourself—for an AAG Honor, as an AAG Fellow, or for several other awards. Most deadlines are September 15, so please respond soon.

 are the highest awards offered by the American Association of Geographers, and  recognize geographers who have made significant contributions to advancing geography. Please note that both of these programs are now operating under recently revised guidelines. Individual AAG members, specialty groups, affinity groups, departments, and other interested parties are encouraged to nominate outstanding colleagues by September 15.

Deadlines for several other AAG Grants and Awards are also approaching:

Sept. 15

Sept. 22

Sept. 30

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Get Ready for 35th Annual Geography Awareness Week

This year, AAG’s theme for Geography Awareness Week will be World of Possibilities: Geographers at Work. Celebrating the vast career possibilities for geographers, Geography Awareness Week (#GeoWeek2022) will showcase the work of geographers in strikingly diverse areas, from  to ; from foregrounding the  to the work of  and ; from assuring the  to ; from  to .

Make your plans now and let AAG’s resources and information help you celebrate GeoWeek in your workplace and at your school. Sign up now to become a  (individuals) or a  (institutions and organizations).

Learn more about GeoWeek

Policy Update
  • Photo of U.S. Capitol building domeLast week, the Consortium of Social Science Associations  of proposed Senate funding for federal science agencies, with increases that sometimes exceed even those proposed by the House. An agreement is expected by the end of the year.
  • The White House’s  on public access to federally funded research builds on 2013 guidance, but, notably, lifts the 12-month optional embargo on free access.


NEW Annals Alert: Articles with topics ranging from West German housing projects to urban agglomeration, from climate gentrification to sparsely populated areas

Annals journal coverThe most recent issue of the Annals of the AAG has been published online () with 17 new articles on contemporary geographic research. Topics in this issue include ; and . Locational areas of interest include ; and . Authors are from a variety of research institutions including ; and .

All AAG members have full online access to all issues of the Annals through the Journals section of the . Each issue, the Editors choose one article to make freely available. In this issue you can read  by Rekib Ahmed, Anup Saikia, and Scott M. Robeson for free.

Questions about the Annals? Contact .

New Books in Geography — Fall Available

The  is available online. The AAG compiles a quarterly list of newly published geography books and books of interest to geographers. The list includes a diversity of books that represents the breadth of the discipline (including key sub-disciplines), but also recognizes the work which takes place at the margins of geography and overlap with other disciplines. While academic texts make up most of the books, we also include popular books, novels, books of poetry, and books published in languages other than English, for example.

Some of these books are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books. Publishers are welcome to contact the AAG Review of Books Editor-in-Chief , as well as anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles.

Check out the latest from the other AAG journals

Member News

September Member Updates

Dr. Chansheng He, professor of geography, environment and tourism and a Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Western Michigan University is the recipient of the Fulbright University of Leeds Distinguished Scholar Award, one of only 38 Distinguished Scholar Awards granted globally out of more than 440 Fulbright Scholar awards for 2022-2023 academic year. He will spend six months at the Water Center at Leeds University to advance the watershed science framework he and his colleagues have proposed; brainstorm approaches to support participatory policy and decision making; and compare and analyze the water resources policies between the U.K. and the U.S.

Bo Zhao, associate professor of geography at University of Washington, was interviewed on King5 News in Seattle about his study,, showing a brief lift and then a decline in .

, chair of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa Department of Geography and Environment, about the findings from his new book, Nobody Is Protected: How the Border Patrol Became the Most Dangerous Police Force in the United States.


Visiting Geographical Scientist Program Accepting Applications for 2022-2023

The Visiting Geographical Scientist Program (VGSP), which sponsors visits by prominent geographers to small departments or institutions with limited resources, is accepting applications for the 2022-2023 academic year. The purpose of this program is to stimulate interest in geography among students, faculty members, and administrative officers. A list of pre-approved speakers is available on the website, however participating institutions select and make arrangements with the visiting geographer. VGSP is funded by Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU), the international honors society for geographers. Questions and complete applications may be directed to .

Apply for this school year

AAAS Science, Technology and Human Rights Conference

Registration for the 2022 AAAS Science, Technology and Human Rights Conference is now open. The conference will be held online October 17-19.

GISCI Exam Period Opens in December

The next testing window for the GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge Exam® is December 3-10, 2022. Part of the GISP Certification, the exam will once again be administered by PSI Online through its worldwide testing facilities in a computer-based testing (CBT) format.

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Featured Article
An illustration of the relationships between qualitative data, GIS approaches to research, and qualitative approaches to research
Figure 2. Multiple meanings of qualitative data

Enhancing Qualitative Social Science with GIS

Many people understand the power of GIS for quantitative research, but fewer know of its practical applications for qualitative social science work. In a broad effort led by Esri’s Chief Scientist, Dawn Wright, Ph.D., a number of researchers at Esri are looking at the many ways qualitative social science can benefit from GIS. While ArcGIS can help with an array of quantitative approaches, it also brings many capabilities to enhance qualitative methodologies to address longstanding issues of social and environmental concern. This article explores where and how common GIS approaches and common qualitative approaches intersect and provides resources for learning more.

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In Memoriam

The AAG is saddened to hear of the passing of  and  this past month.


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