AAG Announces Recipients of 2017 Awards
The American Association of Geographers (AAG) congratulates the individuals and groups named to receive an AAG Award. The awardees represent outstanding contributions to and accomplishments in the geographic field. The awardees will be recognized at the AAG Annual Meeting in Boston during the AAG Awards Luncheon on Sunday, April 9, 2017.
Friends, family, and colleagues are invited to celebrate with the honorees. Admission, which includes a plated lunch, is only $55. Tables for parties of ten are also available. Buy tickets.
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Community College Travel Grants
- April Shirey, Grand Rapids Community College, Grand Rapids, MI
AAG Darrel Hess Community College Geography Scholarships
- Amy Kennedy, transferring from Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio to the Ohio State University
Marble-Boyle Undergraduate Achievement Award in Geographic Science
- Coty Welch, University of North Alabama
AAG Dissertation Research Grants
- Mia Bennett, University of California Los Angeles
- Eric Nost, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Yoo-Min Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Brian Williams, University of Georgia
- Sheridan Wright Kennedy, Rice University
- Qunshan Zhao, Arizona State University
- Sarah Blue, Texas State University
- Shouraseni Roy, University of Miami
- Qiusheng Wu, State University of New York at Binghamton
- To be announced at the AAG Annual Meeting in Boston.
Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography
- Dr. Sally Horn, University of Tennessee
*** AAG Book Awards ***
Humboldt Book Award for Enduring Scholarship in Geography
- Geoffrey Martin, American Geography and Geographers, Oxford University Press, 2015
The John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize
- Lisa Benton-Short, The National Mall: No Ordinary Public Space, University of Toronto Press, 2016
The AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography\
- Niem Nguyen, A Curriculum of Fear, University of Minnesota Press, 2016
The AAG Meridian Book Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography
- Eric Sheppard, Limits to Globalization: The Disruptive Geographies of Capitalist Development, Oxford University Press, 2016
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- The Department of Geography and the Environment, University of North Texas
- Honorable Mention: The Geography Department, George Washington University
Susan Hardwick Excellence in Mentoring Award
- Beverly Mullings, Queen’s University
- Sarah Hunt, University of British Columbia
The AAG Harold M. Rose Award for Anti-Racism Research and Practice
- Melissa Wright, Pennsylvania State University
- Leela Viswanathan, Queen’s University
AAG Harm de Blij Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- Ronald Kalafsky, University of Tennessee
E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award
- Hui Lin, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The AAG Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography
- David Harvey, City University of New York
- James Hansen, Columbia University
- Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
AAG Presidential Achievement Award
- Roger Downs, Pennsylvania State University
*** AAG Honors ***
- Michael Pretes, University of North Alabama
Ron F. Abler Distinguished Service Honors
- Julie Winkler, Michigan State University
- Kent Mathewson
Distinguished Scholarship Honors
- Patrick Bartlein, University of Oregon
- Michael Storper, University of California, Los Angeles
- Ruth Fincher, University of Melbourne
- David Robinson, Rutgers University