New Books: November 2014
Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.
Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of Books, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).
Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.
- Beyond the Big Ditch: Politics, Ecology, and Infrastructure at the Panama Canal by Carse, Ashley (MIT Press 2014,
- Cities in Relations: Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou by Ola Söderström (Wiley, 2014,
- Confronting Suburbanization: Urban Decentralization in Postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe by Kiril Stanilov and Ludĕk Sykora (eds) (Wiley, 2014,
- Death Tourism: Disaster Sites as Recreational Landscape by Sion, Brigitte, ed (Seagull Books 2013,
- A Desolate Place for a Defiant People: An Archaeology of Maroons, Indigenous Americans, and Enslaved Laborers in the Great Dismal Swamp by Sayers, Daniel (University of Florida 2014,
- Empire and Power in the Reign of Süleyman: Narrating the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman World by Şahin, Kaya (Cambridge University Press 2013,
- Frontiers of Possession: Spain and Portugal in Europe and the Americas by Herzog, Tamar (Harvard University Press 2015,
- Geographic Databases and Information Systems by Stefanakis, Emmanuel (CreateSpace Independent Publishing 2014,
- Human Geography: A Concise Introduction by Mark Boyle (Wiley, 2014,
- Hunters, Predators and Prey: Inuit Perceptions of Animals by Laugrand, Frédéric and Jarich Oosten (Berghahn Books 2014,
- In the Nature of Landscape: Cultural Geography on the Norfolk Broads by David Matless (Wiley, 2014,
- Leadership in American Academic Geography by DeVivo, Michael S. (Louisiana State University Press 2015,
- Materialities of Ritual in the Black Atlantic by Ogundiran, Akinwumi and Paula Saunders (Indiana University Press 2014,
- Pacific Crossing: California Gold, Chinese Migration, and the Making of Hong Kong by Sinn, Elizabeth (Hong Kong University Press 2013,
- Spirit of the Wolves: A Novel by Hearst, Dorothy (Simon & Schuster 2014,
- The Small Nation Solution by Bodley, John H. (Rowman and Littlefield 2014,
- True Yankees:The South Seas and the Discovery of the American Identity by Morrison, Dane A. (John Hopkins University Press 2014,
- The World of Maps: Map Reading and Interpretation for the 21st Century by Tyner, Judith A. (Guilford Press 2014,