New Books: June 2013
Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.
Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of Books, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).
Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.
June 2013
- A Voyage to Virginia: Two Narratives. Wright, Louis B. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press 2013. $19.95 cloth (ISBN 978-0-8139-3466-2).
Banking Across Boundaries: Placing Finance in Capitalism. Christophers, Brett. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell 2013. $34.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-4443-3828-7).
Becoming Confederates: Paths to a New National Loyalty. Gallagher, Gary W. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press 2013. $18.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-8203-4540-6).
“Building Like Moses with Jacobs in Mind”: Contemporary Planning in New York City. Larson, Scott. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univeristy Press 2013. $28.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-43990-970-6).
California Condors in the Pacific Northwest. D’Elia, Jesse and Susan M. Haig. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press 2013. $19.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-87071-700-0).
Close Up at a Distance: Mapping, Technology, and Politics. Kurgan, Laura. Brooklyn, NY: Zone Books 2013. $39.95 cloth (ISBN 978-1-935408-28-4).
Creating the British Atlantic: Essays on Transportation, Adaptation, and Continuity. Greene, Jack P. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press 2013. $35 paper (ISBN 978-0-8139-3391-7).
Dams, Displacement, and the Delusion of Development: Cahora Bassa and its Legacies in Mozambique, 1965–2007. Isaacman, Allen F. and Barbara S. Isaacman. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press 2013. $32.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-8214-2033-1).
Drought and the Human Story: Braving the Bull of Heaven. Heathcote, R. L. Burlington, VT: Ashgate 2013. $124.95 cloth (ISBN 978-1-4094-0501-6).
Ecologies of Urbanism in India: Metropolitan Civility and Sustainability. Rademacher, Anne M., and K. Sivaramakrishnan. New York, NY: Hong Kong University Press 2013. $25.00 paper (ISBN 978-988-8139-77-4).
Enabling Comprehensive Situational Awareness. Radke, Susan Lindell, Russ Johnson, Jeff Baranyi. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press 2013. $ paper (ISBN 978-1-58948-306-4).
Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Brioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages. Lockyer, Joshua, and James R. Veteto. New York, NY: Berghahn Books 2013. $110.00 cloth (ISBN 978-0-85745-879-7).
Finding Purple America: The South and the Future of American Cultural Studies. Smith, Jon. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press 2013. $24.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-8203-4526-0).
From Enron to Evo: Pipeline Politics, Global Environmentalism, and Indigenous Rights in Bolivia. Hindery, Derrick. Tuscon, AZ: University of Arizona Press 2013. $55 cloth (ISBN 978-0-8165-0237-0).
Geographies of the Super-Rich. Hay, Iain. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2013. $120 cloth (ISBN 978-0-85793-568-7).
Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics. Ekers, Michael. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell 2012. $34.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-4443-3970-3).
Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre-Columbian Amazonia. Rostain, Stéphan. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press 2012. $89 cloth (ISBN 9781598746341).
Keys to the City: How Economics, Institutions, Social Interaction, and Politics Shape Development. Storper, Michael. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 2013. $39.95 cloth (ISBN 978-0-691-14311-8).
The Lost Art of Finding Our Way. Huth, John Edward. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press 2013. $35.00 cloth (ISBN 9780674072824).
Mapping Manhattan: A Love (and Sometimes Hate) Story in Maps by 75 New Yorkers. Cooper, Becky. New York, NY: Abrams Books 2013. $19.95 (ISBN 978-1-4197-0672-1).
Memories of Cities-Trips and Manifestoes. Charley, Jonathan. Burlington, VT: Ashgate 2013. $89.96 cloth (ISBN 978-1-4094-3137-4).
Merchants, Markets, and Exchange in the Pre-Columbian World. Hirth, Keneth G., and Joanne Pilsbury, eds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2013. $70.00 cloth (ISBN 978-0-88402-386-9).
Mound Sites of the Ancient South: A Guide to the Mississippian Chiefdoms. Bowne, Eric E. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press 2013. $29.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-8203-498-0).
Nature’s Man: Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophical Anthropology. Valsania, Maurizio. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press 2013. $35 cloth (ISBN 978-0-8139-3357-3).
New Geographies 5: The Mediterranean. Petrov, Antonio, ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2013. $20.00 paper (ISBN 978-1-934510-33-9).
On Geopolitics: Space, Place, and International Relations. Starr, Harvey. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers 2013. $99.00 paper (ISBN 978-1-59451-876-8).
Recreating First Contact: Expeditions, Anthropology, and Popular Culture. Bell, Joshua, A., Alison K. Brown, and Robert J. Gordon, eds. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press 2013. $49.95 cloth (ISBN 978-1-93562-314-4).
Sacred Geographies of Ancient Amazonia: Historical Ecology of Social Complexity. Schaan, Denise P. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press 2011. $ cloth (ISBN 978-1-59874-505-4).
Social Justice in Diverse Suburbs: History, Politics, and Prospects. Niedt, Christopher. Philadelphia, PA: Temple Univeristy Press 2013. $29.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-4399-1050-4).
Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities. Gibson-Graham, J. K., Jenny Cameron, and Stephen Healy. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press 2013. $19.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-8166-7607-1).
The Ten-Thousand Year Fever: Rethinking Human and Wild-Primate Malaria. Cormier, Loretta A. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press 2011. $32.95 paper (ISBN 978-1-59874-483-5).
Tropical Whites: The Rise of the Tourist South in the Americas. Cocks, Catherine. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 2013. $59.95 cloth (ISBN 978-0-8122-4499-1).
What’s Wrong with Climate Politics and How to Fix It. Harris, Paul G. Malden, MA: Polity Books 2013. $22.95 paper (ISBN 978-0-7456-5251-1).