Michele Masucci Named Vice Provost for Research at Temple University

Photo of Michele Masucci by Joseph V. Labolito, Temple University

Provost Hai-Lung Dai has named Interim Vice Provost for Research Michele Masucci as the vice provost for research, effective immediately, with an initial appointment to June 30, 2016. The Office of the Vice Provost for Research is responsible for technology transfer and business development, grant submission, research compliance, research-related training, and management of special research support programs.

“Dr. Masucci has demonstrated excellent leadership as interim vice provost for research since 2012,” said Provost Hai-Lung Dai. “She has reorganized and expanded the structure of the research office and developed it into an efficient unit to service faculty and support research at Temple. At a time of the initial implementation of the new budgetary system, we are grateful to Michele for stepping up and accepting this appointment to continue her service and provide continuing stability to Temple’s research communities.”

This past year, Temple’s schools, colleges and Fox Chase Cancer Center collectively generated nearly $214 million in grant-funded research expenditures, not counting university expenditures. Temple’s schools and colleges have increased research awards by an average of $22.5 million in fiscal year 2013 and fiscal year 2014, as compared with fiscal year 2012.

“This increase in funding highlights the importance of the university’s strategic efforts to foster improved collaboration and interdisciplinary research among schools and colleges on both the Main and Health Sciences campuses,” Masucci said.

As a leading, active researcher on Temple’s Urban Apps & Maps Studios, Masucci has examined how barriers to accessing information resources using geographic information technologies are interrelated with community development and environmental-quality problems, including accessing health, education and social services. She has developed university-community partnerships with organizations that address human rights issues and planning related to water-quality monitoring and assessments. She also led a bilateral university partnership that involved five Brazilian and U.S. universities, along with a network of nongovernmental organizations in both countries, to examine the role of citizens and scientists in environmental-quality monitoring and policymaking.

Masucci was recently named co-chair of the Faculty Standing Committee of the Federal Demonstration Partnership, for which she leads the Pipelines Initiative, aimed at expanding access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers for women and underrepresented minorities. She is also Temple’s representative to the Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable of the National Academies.

Masucci joined Temple University’s Department of Geography and Urban Studies in 1997 and has since held a variety of research and academic leadership positions. Currently she is a professor of geography and director of the Information Technology and Society Research Group.

She holds a PhD and an MA in geography from Clark University and a BS in geography and regional planning from Salisbury University. Prior to Temple, she was assistant professor of geography at Auburn University and the University of West Georgia.

– Hedy Taub Baker
