Jerome D. Fellmann

1926 - 2010

On May 29, Jerome D. Fellmann died following over 50 years of contributions to the university community and the department of geography at the University of Illinois, Urbana. He was born June 28, 1926, in Chicago.

Fellmann arrived at Urbana-Champaign in 1950, shortly after receiving his PhD from the University of Chicago. His research interests included urban and economic geography, geographic bibliography, the geography of Russia, and geographic education. In addition to teaching and research, Fellmann served as both an associate and acting head of the department of geography in the early 1970s and served on several committees within the department, LAS, the Graduate College, the Russian and East European Center (now the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center), the Center for International Studies, and the University. Fellmann’s many publications may be found in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Professional Geographer, Journal of Geography, and the Geographical Review. He also co-authored several editions of Mc-Graw Hill’s Introduction to Geography and Human Geography. Fellmann was an active member of the Association of American Geographers, American Geographical Society, Illinois Geographical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Regional Science Association, Illinois Academy of Science, and Sigma Xi. He also held visiting professorships at Wayne State University, the University of British Columbia, and California State University, Northridge. Fellmann’s contributions to the department, in particular to undergraduate education, continue to be honored annually through the Jerome D. Fellmann Prize, awarded each year to a graduating senior in geography who has written a senior honors paper rated superior.

Jerome D. Fellman (Necrology). 2010. AAG Newsletter 45(7): 15.
