Instructors and Graduate Leaders Sought for AAG Summer Series
Paid Positions for Summer 2022
By Julaiti Nilupaer and Coline Dony
“I’ve… learned that online workshops can be as lively as traditional, in-person classroom experiences. I am excited to develop and deliver online courses on research methods, and to run this workshop again in the future!”
“I was able to gain virtual teaching experience, which will be very helpful for my career growth.”
“To me, being the instructor graduate assistant was an invaluable experience. I really enjoyed assisting the session, and if there is any similar opportunity, I would love to assist again in the future.”
“I appreciated the chance to meet other graduate students and learn from their research and preparation, as well as my own. Another aspect I liked was the interdisciplinary nature of the group, which meant all participants had unique content to suggest.”
The testimonials above came from workshop instructors and graduate assistants in the 2020-2021 Learning Series (Find out more from the Future of the Learning Series page). The series has supported 256 graduate students in the AAG community, and provided a valuable opportunity for early-career instructors to cultivate their professional growth, as well as for graduate students to develop their expertise and leadership skills.
Now AAG is expanding the Learning Series in summer 2022 to include an enriched list of virtual learning offerings, including workshops (basic and advanced levels), working groups, seminars, and forums. Topics will range across the geography spectrum and go beyond methods in geography to also focus on peer-mentoring, mental health, and career preparation and skills outside of academia. Even though this series will continue to focus on graduate student community, some of the offerings will also be relevant to recently graduated geographers and, at times, to undergraduates.
AAG is seeking graduate-level instructors and graduate students to apply for two types of paid position in support of the Summer 2022 Learning Series. The deadline to apply is January 13, 2022.
How To Apply
Instructors: If you are interested in offering an advanced, graduate-level workshop and gaining virtual teaching experience, see our Call for Proposals. The workshop proposals will be selected by the Selection Committee on “Research Practices and Research Design” (see photo above), the Selection Committees on “Best Practices and Advances in Data Visualization”, and Selection Committee on “Best Practices and Advances in Data Analysis”.
Graduate Leaders: In addition to inviting graduate students to participate in these offerings, we will also empower interested graduate students to lead a small group of other graduate students to meet regularly and work through a certain topic. If you are a graduate student and interested in offering a working group, see our Call for Proposals. The working group proposals will be selected by the Selection Committee for “Graduate-Led Working Groups.”