Specialty Group

Economic Geography

To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among its members and other specialists; to stimulate research, teaching, and applications in industrial and economic geography; to aid in the advancement of its members and the field of industrial and economic geography; and to help represent industrial and economic geography within the discipline of geography and to related disciplines, agencies in government, the private sector, and the general public.



Regular: $15
Student: $3


Chair: Emily Rosenman, Penn State University

Vice Chair/Treasurer: Nina Ebner, Colegio de México

At-Large Board Members:

  • Beki McElvain, Loughborough University
  • Md Abdullah Al Mamun, University of Rajshahi
  • Mark Kear, University of Arizona

Student Representative: Brandon Hillier, University of British Columbia



Geography Essentials, Planning and Development, Spatial Narratives

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