Support AAG and strengthen the relevance of geography
AAG is committed to supporting geographers as they work to build thriving communities, a sustainable environment, and global health and well-being. Your generous support will help AAG expand its impact to support geographers and advance the discipline.
By the numbers
The below numbers reflect AAG’s impact with its active and vibrant programs. These range from our supportive work on JEDI, climate, academic departments and programs, community colleges, minority-serving institutions, mentorship, mental health, and our regional divisions just to name a few areas. Becoming a contributing partner strengthens the impact we have towards advancing geography across all sectors, including academics, government, nonprofits, NGOs and business.
Active Programs
Supporting Partners
Participants Helped
How you can help
There are many levels at which our partners and members can participate and support our efforts:
There are many examples of geography for good in the world. Explore our work and that of our members and partners.

Member Profile: Marissa Isaak Wald
A world of possibilities
All over the map
Our members’ work is focused in areas across the globe. Our programs contribute to communities everywhere.
Our global effort
There are many examples of geography for good in the world. Explore our work and that of our members and partners.
Your generosity enables us to make a difference to the communities we serve. Your support to AAG can have an impact around the world.
Donate nowOur partners
Prefer to donate via mail? Please use this fillable PDF form. Your check should be made payable to American Association of Geographers and mailed to: PO Box 73158, Washington, DC 20056.
The American Association of Geographers is classified by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) non-profit, charitable organization.
If you have questions about how you can support AAG, please contact Julie Ische, Director of Development at 202-234-1450, ext. 1-1131; or at