Launched in 2020, the AAG’s Early Career Webinar Series focuses on issues for geographers navigating their early careers, as well as current job seekers and soon-to-be graduates at all levels seeking knowledge about careers and professional development in geography.
This series features practicing geographers across industry and academia sharing their unique knowledge and perspectives on a wide range of topics related to careers and professional development.
Along with our sister series on Department Leadership, the Early Career series is organized by the AAG in partnership with past president Ken Foote of the University of Connecticut and Shannon O’Lear of the University of Kansas.
Dates, times and registration links for upcoming webinars will be added to this page as soon as they are available. View the list of upcoming and previously recorded webinars below and be sure to check back regularly for the latest updates. To suggest new topics, please email Mark Revell at the AAG at .
Upcoming Webinars
All webinars will be recorded. Photos, videos, or audio recordings may not be taken during webinars without the permission of the presenter. Anyone doing so without permission will be asked to leave the webinar. To learn more, read AAG Policies.

Translating Geography Degrees into Environmental, Conservation, and Sustainability Work
Most of us will never encounter a job ad that says: “Wanted: Geographer”, yet our interdisciplinary training opens the door to a wide and ever-growing range of career paths. Come hear from geographers who have successfully translated their degrees into environmental, sustainability, and conservation careers.
Learn More-
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