David Lowenthal To Speak at 2016 AAG Annual Meeting
Thirty years after his classic book, The Past Is a Foreign Country, David Lowenthal explores anew how we celebrate, expunge, contest and manipulate the past. In his major new work, The Past is a Foreign Country – Revisited, he reveals the past as an almost entirely new realm, so transformed over three decades as to demand an equally new book.
During a special AAG “Author Meets Critics” session at the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Lowenthal will talk about his new book, while panelists Diana K. Davis, UC Davis; Marie D. Price, George Washington University; and Dydia Delyser, CSU Fullerton, give their understandings and opinions on the new book.
About the author
David Lowenthal is emeritus professor of geography and honorary research fellow at University College London. He is a gold medalist of the Royal Geographical, the Royal Scottish Geographical and the American Geographical Societies, a Fellow of the British Academy and honorary D.Litt. Memorial University of Newfoundland. In 2010 he was awarded the Forbes Lecture Prize by the International Institute for Conservation. His books include The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History (1996), George Perkins Marsh, Prophet of Conservation (2000) and The Nature of Cultural Heritage and the Culture of National Heritage (2005).