Annals of the American Association of Geographers

Guidelines for Commentaries

Commentaries should be submitted electronically through ScholarOne Manuscripts ( Manuscript type: Commentary.

Submitted commentaries should focus on a specific article and be written in a style and tone that is professional, scholarly and concise, in less than 2,000 words including references. Commentaries should be submitted within one year after publication of the original article. Commentaries on themes or special issues will not be published.

References should be cited parenthetically in the text in this order: author’s last name, year of publication, and page number. All sources in the text of a paper must be listed in the references section and vice versa. For examples of the correct style for various forms of publication, see the Annals Style Sheet, and the 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, published by the University of Chicago Press.

Commentaries will be peer reviewed by at least two editorial board members and/or external reviewers. Once the review process is complete, the editor will inform the commentary author of the outcome, and the decision concerning the commentary’s suitability for publication. If approved, the author of the original article will be invited to comment on the commentary in a short endorsement and/or rebuttal to be published as part of the forum.

Approved commentaries will be published in print and online on Taylor & Francis Online (TFO). The original article, the commentary, and the rejoinder will be linked electronically on TFO.