Critical Visual Methods for Fieldwork at a Distance

A critical visual methods workshop that offers new avenues to adapt and complement field-based research. Participants will be introduced to a suite of design methods and digital tools to enter everyday spaces remotely, critically question what they see, and convert their findings into visual narratives.

July 25, 2022, 11:00am Eastern Time – August 19, 2022, 12:00pm Eastern Time

Webinar Ended


Aparna ParikhAparna Parikh, Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Aparna Parikh is a feminist urban geographer, critically marshaling her architectural training in creative methods to challenge dominant forms of knowledge production. She has taught online and in-person for the past decade, and has instructed an exercise where the visual is an entry point to analyze (in)justice in Philadelphia, which forms the basis for this workshop.

Karen Paiva HenriqueKaren Paiva Henrique, University of Amsterdam

Dr. Karen Paiva Henrique is Assistant Professor in Governance and Inclusive Development at the University of Amsterdam. She is an urban political ecologist and critical urban scholar who employs visual methods to examine the unjust implications of urban climate adaptation and envision just development trajectories amidst concurrent crises. Dr Henrique brings extensive experience with visual analyses and conceptual diagramming, exemplified in her contribution to the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5Ā°C (SR15).

Eligibility and capacity

We will select up to 20 graduate students to participate in this workshop. Selection will be based on your AAG membership status, your research needs, and time of registration. If you are selected, we will notify you ahead of the workshop and provide you all the workshop details and session links. If you are selected, the expectation is that you will participate in all sessions of the workshop.


The selected participants should be graduate students in human and human-environment geography at any stage of their research (preferably prior to conducting field-based research), whose research plans include field-based research (e.g. surveys, interviews, participant observation), and who are broadly interested in qualitative methods, visual inquiry, and/or critical geography. The workshop expands qualitative approaches for data collection (transect walks) and (discourse/content) analysis using critical digital visual methods. Some experience with these methods is helpful but not essential. We will introduce all necessary concepts and tools during the workshop.

Detailed schedule

This workshop will meet at the following times (Eastern Time):

  • Session 1: AAG Welcome Session, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Monday, July 25
  • Session 2: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm, Tuesday, July 26
  • Session 3: Optional Office Hours, 8:00 – 10:00 am, Wednesday, July 27
  • Session 4: 10:30 – 11:45 am, Wednesday, July 27
  • Session 5: Optional Office Hours, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Wednesday, July 27
  • Session 6: 10:30 – 11:45 am, Thursday, July 28
  • Session 7: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm, Friday, July 29

Throughout the week, expect to also spend a few hours working independently on readings or short assignments for the workshop.