This workshop teaches geography graduate students to confidently use the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti for free or on a budget. Participants will learn strategies for conducting a structured, integrated, and reflexive analysis of the varied, unexpected and cacophonic data sources they may have ended up with due to the pandemic.
August 1, 2022, 11:00am Eastern Time – September 9, 2022, 10:30am Eastern Time
Webinar EndedDr. Vanessa Wijngaarden is a certified ATLAS.ti professional trainer (senior level) and a registered consultant at ATLAS.ti, with over a decade of experience with teaching the program on three continents. It has been her passion to support graduate students worldwide to become independent researchers, and to innovate and decolonize research practices. She has published a variety of academic and blog articles that contribute to cutting-edge theoretical, methodological and epistemological debates.
We will select up to 20 graduate students to participate in this workshop. Selection will be based on your AAG membership status, your research needs, and time of registration. If you are selected, we will notify you ahead of the workshop and provide you all the workshop details and session links. If you are selected, the expectation is that you will participate in all sessions of the workshop.
The selected participants should be seriously interested in using ATLAS.ti for a concrete research project in which qualitative data needs to be analyzed, which makes the course primarily suitable for those in human geography, or physical geographers who are including a literature review. Projects with varied approaches and types of analysis are welcome, including but not limited to thematic, content and discourse analysis, as well as grounded theory and mixed method approaches that include quantitative components. ATLAS.ti does allow for geo-location data integration. Students do not need any prior knowledge with regard to ATLAS.ti or experience with computer assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS). We are targeting geography students before or after data collection, as we will provide example data sets if needed. This workshop is specifically for those with divergent data who have not yet started their analysis process using other means.
This workshop will meet at the following times (Eastern Time):
Throughout the week, expect to also spend a few hours working independently on readings or short assignments for the workshop.