Two Geographers Receive ACLS Fellowships for 2015

Two geographers, Jessica Barnes and Eric Carter have received American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) fellowships for the 2015 program.

Jessica Barnes will be examining the longstanding and widespread identification of food security in Egypt with wheat and bread self-sufficiency. She will be working towards completing a book project entitled “Making Bread: The Cultural Politics of Food Security and Wheat Self-Sufficiency in Egypt.”  The goal of the project is to offer insights into how bread and wheat continue to shape relations of power in Egyptian society, and, more broadly, into how food security is envisioned and experienced across scales.

Carter will conduct archival research in Argentina, Chile, and Costa Rica from 2015-2016 for a book project entitled “The Health of the People: A History of Latin American Social Medicine.” The main goals of the project are to understand the ideological roots of socially conscious health policies in Latin America and the institutional and interpersonal networks that sustained them, from the 1920s onward.

ACLS, funded in 1919, is a private, nonprofit federation of 72 national scholarly organizations, is the preeminent representative of American scholarship in the humanities and related social sciences. Advancing scholarship by awarding fellowships and strengthening relations among learned societies is central to our work. Other activities include support for scholarly conferences, reference works, and scholarly communication innovations. ACLS fellowships fund research in the social sciences and the humanities where the ultimate goal of the fellow is by the end of the year to produce a major piece of scholarly work.
