Garrison Award & Tribute Sessions
3:20 p.m.–7:00 p.m., Thursday, March 31, 2016

An award session to present the paper selected for the William L. Garrison Award for Best Dissertation in Computational Geography will be held at 3:20 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at the AAG Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Stéphane Joost, a former Garrison awardee and current Garrison Committee Member, will also deliver a presentation, “The geographic dimension of genomic diversity: from genome scans to whole-genome sequence data.”

Memorial presentations will follow the award segment of the session to commemorate Garrison’s life and work in geography. Brian J.L. Berry, Duane F. Marble, and Elizabeth Deakin will lead the talks. The session will conclude with a reception, permitting assembled participants and guests to pay tribute to and share their reminiscences of Bill.

William Louis “Bill” Garrison, one of the leaders of geography’s “quantitative revolution” in the 1950s and an outstanding transportation geographer, died last year on February 1, 2015, at the age of 90. The Garrison Award, which was named for Bill, supports innovative research into the computational aspects of geographic science. This award is intended to arouse a more general and deeper understanding of the important role that advanced computation can play in resolving the complex problems of space–time analysis that are at the core of geographic science. The award is one of the activities of the Marble Fund for Geographic Science of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).