Newsletter – March 2019
Harassment-Free AAG: What to expect at the Washington D.C. Meeting
By Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach and Lorraine Dowler
“The AAG charged a task force in Spring 2018 to gather information and recommend programmatic changes in order to envision a safer and more inclusive national meeting… the goal of this proposed program is to work towards a Harassment-Free AAG so that all of our members can benefit equally from attending the national meeting. This approach places the AAG as an institutional leader in addressing diverging and intersectional forms of potential harassment at a national meeting.”
Download the AAG Mobile App Today!
Tired of carrying a large printed program around the AAG Annual Meeting? Want to easily organize your AAG session schedule in a digital calendar format? Make the most of your AAG annual meeting experience by downloading the AAG mobile app. Don’t wait until you’re standing in the registration line. Get the app now and start planning your schedule.
Go green with the AAG Mobile App.
Jumpstart your Career with the #aagDC Jobs and Careers Center
During the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting, the AAG Jobs and Careers Center will feature over 75 sessions, panels, and workshops focused on professional development. Sessions will cover a broad range of topics including working as a geographer in the public, private, nonprofit, or academic sector; networking strategies; diversity in academia; becoming a certified GIS Professional (GISP); women in leadership roles in geography and more. Career mentoring sessions for geographers from high school to mid-career as well as job postings will also be available.
View the entire series of events.
Geospatial Health: Theme Plenaries and Highlighted Sessions
Leading scholars will gather at the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting to discuss important topics at the convergence of geography, GIScience, and health – a featured theme of this year’s meeting. Plenaries and highlighted sessions include:
- Integrating Geography, GIScience, and Health Research
- Replication of Scientific Research: An Integrated Approach to Sharing, Accessing, Building on, and Replicating Research Involving Confidential Geospatial Data
- An integrated approach for sharing, accessing, and analyzing confidential geospatial data: the Geospatial Virtual Data Enclave (GVDE) Workshop
- Global Perspectives on Geospatial Health Research
- Building the International Geospatial Health Research Network
- Geomasking techniques built-into an integrated platform for research involving confidential geospatial data: the Geospatial Virtual Data Enclave (GVDE) Workshop
- Emerging Trends in Geospatial Health Research
See more information the Geospatial Health theme.
Cheer on your Regional Team at the 2019 World Geography Bow
The annual round robin tournament features teams of students from each of the AAG Regional Divisions competing for both a team championship title and individually for an MVP Award. The 2019 World Geography Bowl will be held on Thursday, April 4 in the Maryland and Virginia Rooms in the Marriott. The first round starts at 7 PM! Stop by on your way to the international reception (across the hall) or join in to watch the championship round after the reception concludes! Prizes donated from generous sponsors are awarded to winning teams and individuals.
Student Networking Social and #aagDC Activities
Students make up approximately 40% of annual meeting attendees so there are plenty of opportunities for students to get involved in the 2019 Annual Meeting. From career mentoring to undergraduate research sessions to specialty group competitions and business meetings, there are events that give students the chance to meet one another and expand their network. Be sure to attend the Student Networking Social on April 3 from 4:30-6:10 PM before the Opening Reception for a chance to win a FREE registration for the 2020 AAG meeting in Denver!
Read more about student focused activities and events.
AAG Diversity Ambassadors Program Turns 10!
The 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, marks the 10-year anniversary of the AAG’s Diversity Ambassadors Program which began at the 2009 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. To celebrate this anniversary, AAG staff and Diversity Ambassadors have planned a line-up of diversity-themed sessions culminating in a special forum, “Celebrating Diversity in Geography.” The final line-up of diversity-related sessions is available to view and will also be published in the 2019 Annual Meeting Program and Annual Meeting app.
“Focus on Washington, DC and the Mid Atlantic” is an ongoing series curated by the Local Arrangements Committee to provide insight on and understanding of the geographies of Washington, DC and the greater Mid Atlantic region in preparation for the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting.
Find local venues to explore in Washington, D.C.
Planning your trip to #aagDC? Looking for some D.C. insider tips? As the city where the AAG and most of its staff call home, we rounded up some of our favorite places and spaces throughout the greater Washington, D.C. area, compiling them on our Instagram account (@theaag) with the hashtag #AAGgetslocal. Check out some of the AAG staff members’ favorite spots where they live, work, and play. Know a good local spot? Feel free to share it with the hashtag #aagDC!
Don’t delay – book your room for #aagDC today!
AAG has negotiated a discounted block of hotel rooms at the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting headquarters, the Marriott Wardman Park. This rate is available on a first come, first served basis. Spring is a busy season in DC, be sure to reserve your room before they are filled and rates increase.
- Book your hotel room in the AAG meeting headquarters with an AAG attendee discounted rate
- Register to attend the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting in Washington, DC
- View the online program and start planning your schedule
- Find out how to travel from the airport or Amtrak station using DC public transit
- Suggest potential workshops or field trips by submitting a proposal
NEW Annals issue alert:
Research featuring Belfast to Tanzania; Carbon Emissions to National Identity
The latest issue of the Annals of the American Association of Geographers is now available (Vol 109, Issue 1, January 2019) with 17 new research articles on wide-ranging topics in geography. Topics include urban watersheds, spatial scale in modeling, mental health, the carbon credit economy, Irish identity, deforestation, and urban CO2 emissions. Study areas include Tanzania, the Navajo Nation, Central Mexico, Guangzhou, Peru’s Lake Parón, Singapore, and Belfast. Authors are from a variety of global institutions including: University of Toronto, Newcastle University, and The Pennsylvania State University.
All AAG members have full online access to all issues of the Annals through the Members Only page. In every issue, the editors choose one article to make freely available for two months. In this issue you can read The Grass Beneath: Conservation, Agro-Industrialization, and Land-Water Enclosures in Postcolonial Tanzania by Youjin B. Chung for free for the next two months.
Questions about the Annals? Contact annals [at] aag [dot] org.
In addition to the most recently published journal, read the latest issue of the other AAG journals online:
• Annals of the American Association of Geographers
• The Professional Geographer
• GeoHumanities
• The AAG Review of Books
New Books in Geography – February Available!
Read the latest works in geography and related disciplines as found on the February New Books in Geography list! February’s list features titles with subjects including migration, borders, Brexit, wine, ArcGIS Pro, and more.
Browse the whole list of new books.
Search for AAG Executive Director Underway
After 17 years of distinguished service, Douglas Richardson is retiring from the post of executive director of the AAG. The Association is currently seeking applications and nominations for the position of Executive Director. A full job description and posting is available online.
See the position announcement.
AAG Announces Additional 2019 AAG Award Recipients
Congratulations to the recipients of 2018 AAG Awards including the Harm de Blij Award, Miller Award, Laws Award, Rose Award, Marcus Fund, Burrill Award, Wilbanks Award, and BA/BS Geography Program Award! Also announced are those receiving dissertation and research grants. Formal recognition of the awardees will occur during the AAG Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, April 8, 2019.
Learn more about the awardees.
2018 AAG Book Awards Announced
The AAG is pleased to announce the recipients of the three 2018 AAG Book Awards: the John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize, the AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography, and the AAG Meridian Book Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography. The AAG Book Awards mark distinguished and outstanding works published by geography authors during the previous year, 2018. Formal recognition of the awardees will occur during the AAG Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, April 7, 2019.
AAG Calls for Nominations for Standing and Awards Committees
The AAG Council will make appointments to several of the AAG Standing Committees at its spring 2019 meeting. These appointments will replace members whose terms will expire on June 30, 2019. If you wish to nominate yourself or other qualified individuals for one or more of these vacancies, please notify AAG Secretary Cathleen McAnneny on or before March 15, 2019. Please make sure that your nominee is willing to serve if appointed. Include contact information for your nominee as well as a brief paragraph indicating his/her suitability for the position.
Profiles of Professional Geographers
Geography careers are rewarding! Bruce Mitchell, Senior Research Analyst at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, describes how his work in analyzing access to financial institutions for low income groups in the U.S. has helped to promote economic equity throughout the country. Geographers lend a unique spatial perspective to this type of work.
Learn more about Geography Careers.
March Member Updates
The latest news about AAG Members.
Dr. Taylor Shelton (Mississippi State University) received an honorable mention for Urban Geography’s recently established Early Career Researcher (ECR) prize for the paper Rethinking the RECAP. Read more.
Updates from the Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS) Program at NSF
Long-time GSS Program Officer Tom Baerwald retired at the end of 2018. Current program officers are Antoinette WinklerPrins and Jackie Vadjunec, use gss-info [at] nsf [dot] gov to reach them with any questions about the program. At the upcoming AAG Annual Meeting in Washington, DC there will be sessions to honor Tom’s achievements followed by a reception celebrate his next phase in life. Please feel free to join in! During the AAG Annual Meeting, the GSS program will also host several outreach events during which time you can become familiar with opportunities for geographers at NSF, and the GSS program specifically.
Geography Education Research Sessions at 2019 AAG Annual Meeting
Each year for the AAG Annual Meeting, The National Center for Research in Geography Education (NCRGE) organizes and compiles a track of papers, posters, and panels focusing on geography education research. NCRGE is sponsoring this track to raise the visibility of research in geography education, grow the NCRGE research coordination network, and provide productive spaces for discussion about geography education research and what makes research in the field potentially transformative. The track features a full-day symposium on Thursday, April 4.
Click here to view the full track schedule.
Government and Nonprofit Officials to Discuss National Education Research Challenges and Opportunities at 2019 AAG Annual Meeting
On Friday, April 5, the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting program will feature two panels examining national education research challenges and opportunities for geographers. Panelists include representatives from federal and state government agencies and major nonprofit organizations. Both panels are sponsored by the National Center for Research in Geography Education (NCRGE).
Click here for the panel descriptions and locations.
Transformative Research in Geography Education: Request for Proposals
The National Center for Research in Geography Education (NCRGE) invites proposals to develop new collaborative and interdisciplinary research networks in geography education. Through this program, NCRGE aspires to strengthen geography education research processes and promote the growth of sustainable, and potentially transformative, lines of research.
View the Request for Proposals.
Deoxygenation of the Ocean Affects Everyone, So Act Now
By Dawn J. Wright and Sylvia A. Earle
“Did you know that more than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean? This oxygen is produced in large part by the photosynthesis of billions and trillions of small plants in the ocean called phytoplankton, as well as the blending of seawater with the atmosphere right at the ocean’s surface. But the ocean is facing unprecedented pressures that are causing massive disruptions in the ecosystem and nutrient cycle of phytoplankton and countless other species…”
Rights of Nature: The New Paradigm
By Cameron La Follette
“Rights of Nature is a short-hand term for a form of ecological governance that both provides for and prioritizes Nature’s right to flourish. It also provides for various subsidiary rights, such as the right to restoration, the right to its natural processes, and the right to ecosystem functioning without interference. The term “Rights of Nature” gives the impression that the primary focus is defending Nature’s rights in courts of law. However, the Rights of Nature paradigm aims for a more fundamental shift in governance than only defending rights: placing Nature and its needs before human needs, so that human needs are reconfigured within Nature’s limits.”
- April 1-2, 2019 – Doing Critical GIS Workshop, Baltimore, MD
- April 3-7, 2019 – AAG Annual Meeting: Washington, D.C.
- July 8-13, 2019 – AAG-UCGIS Summer School 2019: Reproducible Problem Solving with CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science
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