New Books: November 2017

Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.

Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of BooksDepartment of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).

Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.

November 2017

The Andes: Geography, Diversity, and Sociocultural Impacts by Casey D. Allen (ed.) (Nova Publishers 2017)

Atlas of the World: Twenty-Fourth Edition by Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press 2017)

Cataclysms: A New Geology for the Twenty-First Century by Michael R. Rampino (Columbia University Press 2017)

Diplomatic Material: Affect, Assemblage, and Foreign Policy by Jason Dittmer (Duke University Press 2017)

Down and Out in New Orleans: Transgressive Living in the Informal Economy by Peter J. Marina (Columbia University Press 2017)

Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War by Hito Steyerl (Verso Books 2017)

The Environmental Humanities: A Critical Introduction by Robert S. Emmett and David E. Nye (The MIT Press 2017)

Everybody’s Problem: The War on Poverty in Eastern North Carolina by Karen M. Hawkins (University Press of Florida 2017)

Geographies of Violence: Killing Space, Killing Time by Marcus Doel (SAGE Publishing 2017)

GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro: A Platform Workbook by Wilpen L. Gorr and Kristen S. Kurland (ESRI Press 2017)

A House of Prayer for All People: Contesting Citizenship in a Queer Churchby David K. Seitz (University of Minnesota Press 2017)

Imagery and GIS: Best Practices for Extracting Information from Imagery by Kass Green, Russell G. Congalton, and Mark Tukman (ESRI Press 2017)

The Inversion Factor: How to Thrive in the IoT Economy by Linda Bernardi, Sanjay Sarma, and Kenneth Traub (The MIT Press 2017)

Modern Slavery: A Global Perspective by Siddharth Kara (Columbia University Press 2017)

Monrovia Modern: Urban Form and Political Imagination in Liberia by Danny Hoffman (Duke University Press 2017)

Neuroliberalism: Behavioral Government in the Twenty-First Century by Mark Whitehead, Rhys Jones, Rachel Lilley, Jessica Pykett, and Rachel Howell (Routledge 2018)

The Priority of Injustice: Locating Democracy in Critical Theory by Clive Barnett (University of Georgia Press 2017)

The Social Life of Maps in America, 1750-1860 by Martin Brückner (University of North Carolina Press 2017)

Territorial Heritage & Spatial Planning: A Geographical Perspective by F. Manero Miguel and J. L. García Cuesta  (Thomson Reuters 2017)

The Thibodaux Massacre: Racial Violence and the 1887 Sugar Cane Labor Strikeby John DeSantis (The History Press 2016)

When the Hills Are Gone: Frac Sand Mining and the Struggle for Community by Thomas W. Pearson (University of Minnesota Press 2017)

Youth Activism and Solidarity: The Non-Stop Picket Against Apartheid by Gavin Brown and Helen Yaffe (Routledge 2018)
