New Books: March 2016

Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.

Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of BooksDepartment of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).

Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.

March 2016

A Fairytale in Question: Historical Interactions Between Humans and Wolves by Patrick Masius and Jana Sprenger (eds.) (The White Horse Press 2015)

Africans in Global Migration Searching for Promised Lands by John A. Joseph Takougang and Thomas Owusu (eds.) (Lexington Books 2012)

Africans in the Old South: Mapping Exceptional Lives across the Atlantic World by Randy J. Sparks (Harvard University Press 2016)

Afro-Latin America: Black Lives, 1600–2000 by George Reid Andrews (Harvard University Press 2016)

America’s Most Sustainable Cities and Regions: Surviving the 21st Century Megatrends by John W. Day and Charles Hall (Springer 2016)

America’s National Park System: The Critical Documents by Lary M. Dilsaver (ed.) (Rowman and Littlefield 2016)

American Indians and National Forests by Theodore Catton (University of Arizona Press 2016)

Archaeology’s Visual Culture: Digging and Desire by Roger Balm (Routledge 2016)

Bread Wine Chocolate: The Slow Loss of Foods We Love by Simeran Sethi (Harper Collins Publishers: HarperWave 2015)

Bulldozer: Demolition and Clearance of the Postwar Landscape by Francesca Russello Ammon (Yale University Press 2016)

California: A Fire Survey by Stephen J. Pyne (University of Arizona Press 2016)

A Camera in the Garden of Eden: The Self-Forging of a Banana Republic by Kevin Coleman (University of Texas Press 2016)

Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps by Karen Wigen, Sugimoto Fumiko, and Cary Karacas (eds.) (University of Chicago Press 2016)

City of Neighborhoods: Memory, Folklore, and Ethnic Place in Boston by Anothony Bak Buccitelli (University of Wisconsin Press 2016)

Conventional Wisdom: The Alternate Article V Mechanism for Proposing Amendments to the U.S. Constitution by John R. Vile (University of Georgia Press 2016)

DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City Without Services by Kimberley Kinder (University of Minnesota Press 2016)

Drawn to Landscape: The Pioneering Work of J.B. Jackson by Janet Mendelsohn and Christopher Wilson (eds.) (University of Virginia Press 2015)

Ecuador’s Environmental Revolutions: Ecoimperialists, Ecodependents, and Ecoresisters by Tammy L. Lewis (MIT Press 2016)

The Environment in American History: Nature and the Formation of the United States by Jeff Crane (Routledge 2015)

Ethnobiology for the Future: Linking Cultural and Ecological Diversity by Gary Paul Nabhan (University of Arizona Press 2016)

Feeding Manila in Peace and War, 1850–1945 by Daniel F. Doeppers  (University of Wisconsin Press 2015)

Florida: A Fire Survey by Stephen J. Pyne (University of Arizona Press 2016)

Fluid Frontiers: New Currents in Marine Environmental History by John Gillis and Franziska Torma (eds.) (The White Horse Press 2015)

Forests are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietmam by Pamela D. McElwee (University of Washington Press 2016)

The Great Acceleration: An Environmental History of the Anthropocene since 1945 by J. R. McNeill, Peter Engelke (Harvard University Press 2016)

How Myth Became History: Texas Exceptionalism in the Borderlands by John Emory Dean (University of Arizona Press 2016)

Imagined Landscapes: Geovisualizing Australian Spatial Narratives by Jane Stadler, Peta Mitchell, and Stephen Carleton (Indiana University Press 2016)

Indian river Lagoon: An Environmental History by Nathaniel Osborn (University Press of Florida 2016)

International Migrants in Japan: Contributions in an Era of Population Decline by Yoshitaka Ishikawa (ed.) (Trans Pacific Press 2015)

The Killing of Osama Bin Laden by Seymour M. Hersh (Verso Books 2016)

The Limitations of Zeno by Ilija Trojanow (Verso Books 2016)

Louis C.K. and Philosophy: You Don’t Get to be Bored by Mark Ralkowski (ed.) (Open Court Publishing Company 2016)

Mean Streets: Migration, xenophobia and Informality in South Africa by Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, and Caroline Skinner (eds.) (IDRC 2015)

Memory Landscapes of the Inka Carved Outcrops by Jessica Joyce Christie (Rowman and Littlefield 2015)

Militarizing the Environment: Climate Change and Security State by Robert P. Marez (University of Minnesota Press 2016)

Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Politics, and Memory by Arn Keeling and John Sandlos (eds.) (University of Calgary Press 2015)

The Missouri River Journals of John James Audubon by Daniel Patterson (ed.) (University of Nebraska Press 2016)

Multicultural Cities: Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles by Mohammad Abdul Qadeer (University of Toronto Press 2016)

Narrating Space/Spatializing Narrative: Where Narrative Theory and Geography Meet by Marie-Laure Ryan, Kenneth Foote, and Maoz Azaryahu (Ohio State University Press 2016)

New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene by Simon Nicholson and Sikina Jinnah (eds.) (MIT Press 2016)

The Newark Earthworks: Enduring Monuments, Contested Meanings by Lindsay Jones and Richard D. Shiels (eds.) (University of Virginia Press 2015)

Placing Latin America: Contemporary Themes in Geography by Edward L. Jackiewicz and Fernando J. Bosco (eds.) (Rowman and Littlefield 2016)

Plantation Kingdom: The American South and Its Global Commodities by Richard Follett, Sven Beckert, Peter Coclanis, and Barbara Hahn (John Hopkins University Press 2016)

Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-Class Neighborhoods by Rachel A. Woldoff, Lisa M. Morrison, and Michael R. Glass (NYU Press 2016)

Religion and Space: Competition, Conflict and Violence in the Contemporary World by Lily Kong and Orlando Woods (Bloomsbury Publishing 2016)

Rio de Janeiro: Urban Life through the Eyes of the City by Beatriz Jaguaribe (Routledge 2014)

Selling the Serengeti: The Cultural Politics of Safari Tourism by Benjamin Gardner (University of Georgia Press 2016)

Sensitive Space: Fragmented Territory as the India-Bangladesh Border by Jason Cons (University of Washington Press 2016)

Shadows of a Sunbelt City: The Environment, Racism, and the Knowledge Economy in Austin by Eliot M. Tretter (University of Georgia Press 2015)

Smokefree: A Social, Moral and Political Atmosphere by Simone Dennis (Bloomsbury 2016)

Smuggling: Seven Centuries of Contraband by Simon Harvey (Reaktion Books 2016)

Transforming the Fisheries: Neoliberalism, Nature, and the Commons by Patrick Bresnihan (University of Nebraska Press 2016)

Worker-Mothers on the Margins of Europe: Gender and Migration Between Moldova and Istanbul by Leyla J. Keough (Indiana University Press 2015)

A World to Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet by George M. Woodwell (MIT Press 2016)
