New Books: January 2016
Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.
Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of Books, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).
Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.
January, 2016
- Accomplishing Climate Governance by Harriet Bulkeley (Cambridge University Press 2015)
- Alchemy in the Rainforest: Politics, Ecology, and Resilience in a New Guinea Mining Area by Jerry K. Jacka (Duke University Press 2015)
- Ancient Geography: The Discovery of the World in Classical Greece and Rome by Duane W. Roller (I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd 2015)
- Apostle of Taste: Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815–1852 by David Schuyler (University of Massachusetts Press 2015)
- Articulations of Capital: Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations by John Pickles and Adrian Smith with Robert Begg, Milan Buček, Poli Roukova and Rudolf Pástor (Wiley Blackwell (RGS-IBG Book Series), 2016)
- The Auditory Culture Reader by Michael Bull and Les Back (eds.) (Bloomsbury 2016)
- Coming of Age in Chicago: The 1893 World’s Fair and the Coalescence of American Anthropology by Curtis M. Hinsley and David R. Wilcox (University of Nebraska Press 2016)
- Cooking Technology: Transformations in Culinary Practice in Mexico and Latin America by Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz (Bloomsbury 2016)
- Creolization in The French Americas by Jean Marc Masseaut, Michael Martin and Jordan Kellman (eds.) (University of Louisiana 2015)
- Cycling and Recycling: Histories of Sustainable Practices by Ruth Oldenziel and Helmuth Trischler (eds.) (Berghahn Books 2016)
- Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users by Cynthia A. Brewer (ESRI Press 2015)
- Destination Competitiveness, the Environment and Sustainability: Challenges and Cases by Andres Artal-Tur and Metin Kozak (CABI 2015)
- Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s by Igor Krupnik (ed.) (Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press 2016)
- Earthquake Time Bombs by Robert Yeats (Cambridge University Press 2016)
- Ecological Migrants: The Relocation of China’s Ewenki Reindeer Herders by Yuanyuan Xie (Berghahn Books 2015)
- Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives, and Local Placemaking by Faranak Miraftab (Indiana University Press 2015)
- Inventing Atmospheric Science: Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler, and the Foundations of Modern Meteorology by James Rodger Fleming (MIT Press 2016)
- Is This America?: Katrina as Cultural Trauma by Ron Eyerman (University of Texas Press 2015)
- Knowledge and Ethics in Anthropology: Obligations and Requirements by Lisette Josephides (ed.) (Bloomsbury 2015)
- Making Aboriginal Men and Music in Central Australia by Åse Ottosson (Bloomsbury 2016)
- The Monster Trek: The Obsessive search for bigfoot by Joe Gisondi (University of Nebraska Press 2016)
- Plantations and Protected Areas: A Global History of Forest Management by Brett Bennett (MIT Press 2015)
- The Rio de Janeiro Reader: History, Culture, Politics by Daryle Williams, Amy Chazkel, Paulo Knauss de Mendonça (eds.) (Duke University Press 2015)
- Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-Suburban Future by Nicholas A. Phelps (MIT Press 2015)
- Shi’i Cosmopolitanisms in Africa: Lebanese Migration and Religious Conversion in Senegal by Mara A. Leichtman (Indiana University Press 2015)
- The State: Past, Present, Future by Bob Jessop (Polity Books 2013)
- The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy: Hungry for More by Wayne Yuen (ed.) (Open Court Publishing Company 2016)
- The Urban Climatic Map: A Methodology for Sustainable Urban Planning by Edward Ng, Chao Ren (Routledge 2015)