New Books: February 2017
Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.
Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of Books, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).
Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.
February 2017
Blood of the Earth: Resource Nationalism, Revolution, and Empire in Bolivia by Kevin A. Young (University of Texas Press 2017)
Buildings of Wisconsin by Marsha Weisiger (University of Virginia Press 2017)
California Mission Landscapes: Race, Memory, and the Politics of Heritage by Elizabeth Kryder-Reid (University of Minnesota Press 2016)
Cattle in the Backlands: Mato Grosso and the Evolution of Ranching in the Brazilian Tropics by Robert W. Wilcox (University of Texas Press 2017)
Constantinople: Capital of Byzantium by Jonathan Harris (Bloomsbury 2017)
Curated Decay: Heritage beyond Saving by Caitlin DeSilvey (University of Minnesota Press 2017)
David Jones: Engraver, Solider, Painter, Poet by Thomas Dilworth (Counterpoint Press 2017)
Digitalization, Immigration and the Welfare State: New Thinking in Political Economy by Marten Blix (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Energy Humanities: An Anthology by Imre Szeman and Dominic Boyer (eds.) (Johns Hopkins University Press 2017)
Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming by William E. Connolly (Duke University Press 2017)
Great Plains Geology by R. F. Diffendal Jr. (University of Nebraska Press 2017)
Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica by Klaus Dodds, Alan D. Hemmings, and Peder Roberts (eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Hollow by Owen Egerton (Soft Skull Press 2017)
International Organizations and Environmental Protection: Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century by Wolfram Kaiser and Jan-Henrik Meyer (eds.) (Berghahn Books 2017)
Learning from Bogotá: Pedagogical Urbanism and the Reshaping of Public Space by Rachel Berney (University of Texas Press 2017)
Managing the Digital You: Where and How to Keep and Organize Your Digital Life by Melody Condron (Rowman & Littlefield 2017)
Monuments to Absence: Cherokee Removal and the Contest over Southern Memory by Andrew Denson (University of North Carolina Press 2017)
Salt Tectonics: Principles and Practice by Martin P. A. Jackson and Michael R. Hudec (Cambridge University Press 2017)
States of Disease: Political Environments and Human Health by Brian King (University of California Press 2017)
The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony by Perry Anderson (Verso Books 2017)
The Shape of the Roman Order: The Republic and Its Spaces by Daniel J. Gargola (University of North Carolina Press 2017)
Tourism Impacts West Maui by Lance D. Collins and Bianca K. Isaki (eds.) (University of Hawaii Press 2016)
Weathered: Cultures of Climate by Mike Hulme (SAGE Publishing 2017)