New Books: April 2017
Every month the AAG compiles a list of newly-published books in geography and related areas. Some are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books.
Publishers are welcome to send new volumes to the Editor-in-Chief (Kent Mathewson, Editor-in-Chief, AAG Review of Books, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803).
Anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles should also contact the Editor-in-Chief.
April 2017
The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting by Alexander Vasudevan (Verso Books 2017)
Beans: A History by Ken Albala (Bloomsbury 2017)
The Boatman: Henry David Thoreau’s River Years by Robert M. Thorson (Harvard 2017)
Children in the Holocaust and its Aftermath: Historical and Psychological Studies of the Kestenberg Archive by Sharon Kangisser Cohen, Eva Fogelman, and Dalia Ofer (eds.) (Berghahn Books 2017)
Development Arrested: The Blues and Plantation Power in the Mississippi Delta by Clyde Woods (Verso Books 2017)
Earth System History, Fourth Edition by Steven M. Stanley and John A. Luczaj (W.H. Freeman 2015)
Familiar Stranger: A Life Between Two Islands by Stuart Hall and Bill Schwarz (ed.) (Duke University Press 2017)
Farmland Preservation: Land for Future Generations by Wayne J. Caldwell, Stew Hilts, and Bronwynne Wilton (eds.) (University of Manitoba Press 2017)
The Great Regression by Heinrich Geiselberger (ed.) (Polity Books 2017)
Handbook on Geographies of Technology by Barney Warf (ed.) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Hydraulic City: Water & the Infrastructures of Citizenship in Mumbai by Nikhil Anand (Duke University Press 2017)
Kanaka Hawai’i Cartography: Hula, Navigation, and Oratory by Renee Pualani Louis (Ohio State University Press 2017)
Land! The Case for an Agrarian Economy by John Crowe Ransom and Jason Peters (ed.) (University of Notre Dame Press 2017)
The Lima Reader: History, Culture, Politics by Carlos Aguirre and Charles F. Walker (Duke University Press 2017)
The Long Shadows: A Global Environmental History of the Second World War by Simo Laakonen, Richard P. Tucker, and Timo Vuorisalo (eds.) (Oregon State University Press 2017)
Natural Hazards: Explanation and Integration Second Edition by Burrell E. Montz, Graham A. Tobin, and Ronald R. Hagelman, III (Guilford Press 2017)
Picturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps by Stephen J. Hornsby (University of Chicago Press 2017)
A Research Agenda for Cities by John Rennie Short (ed.) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Reassessing the Transnational Turn: Scales of Analysis in Anarchist and Syndicalist Studies by Constance Bantman and Bert Altena (eds.) (PM Press 2017)
Reimagining Home in the 21st Century by Justine Lloyd and Ellie Vasta (eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
San Miguel de Allende: Mexicans, Foreigners, and the Making of a World Heritage Siteby Lisa Pinley Covert (University of Nebraska Press 2017)
Space After Deleuze by Arun Saldanha (Bloomsbury 2017)
Unsteady Flow In Open Channels by Jurjen Battjes and Robert Jan Labeur (Cambridge University Press 2017)
Volcanoes: Encounters through the Ages by David M. Pyle (Bodleian Library Press 2017)
Whither the Waters: Mapping the Great Basin from Bernardo de Miera to John C. Fremont by John L. Kessell (University of New Mexico Press 2017)
World Regional Geography: Global Patterns, Local Lives, Seventh Edition by Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher, Alex Pulsipher, and Ola Johansson (MacMillan Education 2017)