New Books for Geographers: Summer 2023

The AAG compiles a quarterly list of newly published geography books and books of interest to geographers. The list includes a diversity of books that represents the breadth of the discipline (including key sub-disciplines), but also recognizes the work which takes place at the margins of geography and overlap with other disciplines. While academic texts make up most of the books, we also include popular books, novels, books of poetry, and books published in languages other than English, for example.
Some of these books are selected for review in the AAG Review of Books. Publishers are welcome to contact the AAG Review of Books Editor-in-Chief Debbie Hopkins, as well as anyone interested in reviewing these or other titles.
Advances in Scalable and Intelligent Geospatial Analytics: Challenges and Applications by Surya S Durbha, Jibonananda Sanyal, Lexie Yang, Sangita S Chaudhari, Ujwala Bhangale, Ujwala Bharambe, Kuldeep Kurte (Routledge 2023)
Aid and the Help: International Development and the Transnational Extraction of Care by Dinah Hannaford (Stanford University Press 2023)
Atlas of the Senseable City by Antoine Picon and Carlo Ratti (Yale University Press 2023)
Babyn Yar: Ukrainian Poets Respond By Ostap Kin (Harvard University Press 2023)
Bedouin Bureaucrats: Mobility and Property in the Ottoman Empire by Nora Elizabeth Barakat (Stanford University Press 2023)
Before Gentrification: The Creation of DC’s Racial Wealth Gap by Tanya Maria Golash-Boza (University of California Press 2023)
Beyond Straw Men: Plastic Pollution and Networked Cultures of Care by Phaedra C. Pezzullo (University of California Press 2023)
The Cactus Hunters: Desire and Extinction in the Illicit Succulent Trade by Jared Margulues (University of Minnesota Press 2023)
Carbon colonialism: How rich countries export climate breakdown by Laurie Parsons (Manchester University Press 2023)
Children of the Rainforest: Shaping the Future in Amazonia by Camilla Morelli (Rutgers University Press 2023)
City of Refugees: The Story of Three Newcomers Who Breathed Life into a Dying American Town by Susan Hartman (AK Press 2023)
The Common by Antonio Negri ( Polity Books 2023)
ECOLOGICAL NOSTALGIAS: Memory, Affect and Creativity in Times of Ecological Upheavals by Olivia Angé and David Berliner (Berghahn Books 2023)
Elemental: How Five Elements Changed Earth’s Past and Will Shape Our Future by Stephen Porder (Princeton University Press 2023)
End of the Road: Reimagining the Street as the Heart of the City by William Riggs (Bristol University Press 2023)
Enough to Lose by RS Deeren (Wayne University Press 2023)
Fighting for the River: Gender, Body, and Agency in Environmental Struggles by Özge Yaka (University of California Press 2023)
THE FUTURE OF GEOGRAPHY: How Power and Politics in Space will Change our World by Tim Marshall (Elliott & Thompson 2023)
Global Libidinal Economy by Ilan Kapoor, Gavin Fridell, Maureen Sioh, and Pieter de Vries (SUNY Press 2023)
God’s Country: Christian Zionism in America by Samuel Goldman (Pennsylvania University Press 2023)
Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel by Azad Essa (Pluto Press 2023)
Human Migration and the Refugee Crisis: Origins and Global Impact by Eliot Dickinson (ABC-CLIO 2023)
Humane Ecologies: Eight Positions by Robert Wiesenberger (Yale University Press 2023)
Imagined Geographies in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Beyond by Dimitri Kastritsis, Anna Stavrakopoulou, Angus Stewart (Harvard University Press 2023)
Indigenous Ingenuity: A Celebration of Traditional North American Knowledge by Deidre Havrelock and Edward Kay (AK Press 2023)
Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy by Corinne Goria (Haymarket Books 2023)
Land Sickness by Nikolaj Schultz (Polity Books 2023)
Landscape and Authority in the Early Modern World by Stephen H. Whiteman (Pennsylvania University Press 2023)
The Left in China: A Political Cartography by Ralf Ruckus (Pluto Press 2023)
Life Beyond Waste: Work and Infrastructure in Urban Pakistan by Waqas H. Butt (Stanford University Press 2023)
MANAGING NORTHERN EUROPE’S FORESTS: Histories from the Age of Improvement to the Age of Ecology by K. Jan Oosthoek and Richard Hölzl (Berghahn Books 2023)
Mother Cow, Mother India by Yamini Narayanan (Stanford University Press 2023)
Musicology of Religion: Theories, Methods, and Directions by Guy L. Beck (SUNY Press 2023)
Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua (Haymarket Books 2023)
Oh, Serafina!: A Fable of Ecology, Lunacy, and Love by Giuseppe Berto (Rutgers University Press 2023)
On-Board Processing for Satellite Remote Sensing Images by Guoqing Zhou (Routledge 2023)
On the Turtle’s Back by Camilla Townsend, Nicky Kay Michael (Rutgers University Press 2023)
One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel by Ghada Karmi (Pluto Press 2023)
Organized Environmental Crime: Black Markets in Gold, Wildlife, and Timber by Daan van Uhm (ABC-CLIO 2023)
Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908 by İlkay Yılmaz (Syracuse University Press 2023)
Paradoxes of Emancipation: Radical Imagination and Space in Neoliberal Greece by Dimitris Soudias (Syracuse University Press 2023)
The Practice of Collective Escape by Helen Traill (Bristol University Press 2023)
RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology by Alona Pardo (Prestel Publishing 2023)
Religion and World Civilization: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present by Andrew Holt (ABC-CLIO 2023)
Relocating the Sacred: African Divinities and Brazilian Cultural Hybridities by Niyi Afolabi (SUNY Press 2023)
Retail Ruins: The Ghosts of Post-Industrial Spectacle by Jacob C. Miller (Bristol University Press 2023)
Russia’s War by Jade McGlynn (Polity Books 2023)
Salvage Poetics: Post-Holocaust American Jewish Folk Ethnographies by Sheila E. Jelen (Wayne University Press 2023)
Shareholder Cities: Land Transformations Along Urban Corridors in India by Sai Balakrishnan (Pennsylvania University Press 2023)
Statelessness, governance, and the problem of citizenship by Tendayi Bloom and Lindsey N. Kingston (Manchester University Press 2023)
The Sun: Source of Light in Art by Ortrud Westheider (Editor), Michael Philipp (Editor), Daniel Zamani (Editor) (Prestel Publishing 2023)
Syncretic Shrines and Pilgrimages: Dynamics of Indian Nationalism by Karan Singh (Routledge 2023)
War Remains: Ruination and Resistance in Lebanon by Yasmine Khayyat (Syracuse University Press 2023)
Waste of the World: Consumption, Economies and the Making of the Global Waste Problem by Nicky Gregson (Bristol University Press 2023)
A World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Beneath Our Feet by Jo Handelsman (Yale University Press 2023)