NCRGE Welcomes Abstracts for a Special Track During AAG 2018 New Orleans
Transformative Research in Geography Education
For the 2018 AAG Annual Meeting in New Orleans, the National Center for Research in Geography Education (NCRGE) is welcoming abstracts and organized session proposals for a special track of sessions on Transformative Research in Geography Education during the AAG Annual Meeting on April 10-14, 2018, in New Orleans. This track aims to raise the visibility of research in geography education, grow the NCRGE research coordination network, and provide productive spaces for discussion about geography education research and the notion of what makes research in the field potentially transformative.
CONTEXT: In 2007, NSF adopted the following working definition of “transformative research”:
Transformative research involves ideas, discoveries, or tools that radically change our understanding of an important existing scientific or engineering concept or educational practice or leads to the creation of a new paradigm or field of science, engineering, or education. Such research challenges current understanding or provides pathways to new frontiers.
The concept of transformative research pervades the Road Map for 21st Century Geography Education project’s landmark report on geography education. By organizing new networks of geographers, educational researchers, and practitioners, the NCRGE research coordination network aims to build capacity for research in areas of geography education that were deemed by the Road Map Project to be highly significant for achieving broad-scale improvement in educational practices.
SESSIONS: Abstracts and sessions on any geography education research topic are welcome. Examples of topics include:
- Integration of Geography and STEM Learning
- Project-based learning
- Learning progressions
- Assessment
- Capabilities and powerful knowledge
- International comparative research
- Professional development (Online & Face-to-Face)
- Teaching Strategies (All levels)
For each of the activities below, we seek a diverse group of individuals representing a range of experiences with these and other topics. If interested, please follow the specified procedures.
Information on how to submit an abstract or organized session is available at Road Map for 21st Century Geography Education
NCRGE will be organizing several paper sessions on research topics related to geography education. To present in one of these sessions:
- Register for the conference at
- During abstract submission select “paper” as the abstract type
- When you receive confirmation of a successful abstract submission, please then forward this confirmation to ncrge [at] aag [dot] org with “Transformative Research paper abstract” in the subject line.
The abstract deadline is October 25, 2017.
To submit an organized session to this theme please forward your session confirmation email to ncrge [at] aag [dot] org by November 8, 2017.