Gustavo Antonini

1938 - 2007

Gustavo “Gus” Antonini of Gainesville, Florida, died February 7, 2004 at the age of sixty-six. Born in New York, Antonini came to Gainesville in 1969 and taught at the University of Florida for thirty years. He joined the AAG in 1964.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in geology and geography, a master’s degree in geography and coastal geomorphology, and his Ph.D. in geography from Columbia University.

At the University of Florida (UF), he worked at the Center for Latin American Studies and the geography department, and also worked with the Florida Sea Grant. His early work centered on the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and his later work focused on waterway management.

Antonini created the Florida Sea Grant’s nationally recognized Boating and Waterway Management Program, which was named the top outreach effort among the nation’s thirty Sea Grant programs in 2003. In 2000, the program earned a leadership award from the Governor’s Council for Sustainable Florida.

After retirement from UF, Antonini opened a consulting firm, remaining active in Sea Grant’s waterways management program.

Gustavo Antonini (Necrology). 2004. AAG Newsletter 39(5): 19
