Eugene Perle
- 2003
Associate professor of geography and urban planning at Wayne State University Eugene D. Perle, died of cancer at his West Bloomfield home in September. Dr. Perle, began his studies at Dartmouth College where he earned a bachelors degree, and later earned a masters from Syracuse University, and a doctorate from the University of Chicago. Before accepting a position at Wayne State in 1969, Perle taught at Indiana University, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Pittsburgh. In 1968 he worked as a senior staff scientist at the Ford Motor Company‘s transportation research and planning office in Detroit. He was honored with a senior Fullbright-Hays lectureship in 1973, an appointment he fulfilled at Tel Aviv University. Eugene Perle is known for his projects on urban social ecology in Detroit from 1960 to 1990, the book “The Demand for Transportation: Regional and Commodity Studies in the United States,” and his consulting work for the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and the U.S. Department of Transportation. In 2001, Dr. Perle retired. He is survived by his wife Sylvia, a daughter and son, and two grandchildren.
Eugene Perle (Necrology). 2003 AAG Newsletter 38(10): 19.