Dan Irwin

Dan Irwin, emeritus professor of geography at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, passed away recently. Irwin first came to SIUC in 1959 as Director of the Cartographic Lab. He earned a masters degree there while working as the Cartographer for the Mississippi River Valley Studies Program. Irwin later earned a PhD at Syracuse University. He then took a faculty position on the Geography Department at SIUC, where he worked for many years, after the MRVS program was phased out. In addition to publishing in scholarly journals, Irwin co-authored Exploring the Land and Rocks of Southern Illinois, with Stanley E. Harris, Jr. and C. William Horrell. Before his retirement in 1991, Irwin started work on an historical novel about the contributions of topographers and mapmakers in delineating the terrain of the West during the first half of the nineteenth century. To Walk Upon High Places was published in 2005.

Dan Irwin (Necrology).2008. AAG Newsletter 43(2): 19.
