Regular: $9.00
Student: $1.00
Chair: Dr. Caiyun Zhang, Florida Atlantic University
Award for Early Career Scholars in Remote Sensing
In recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the AAG in 2004, the Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG) established a competition to recognize “exemplary research scholar in remote sensing” among post-doctoral scientists and early career faculty in Geography and allied fields. The award recognizes individuals who are poised to make outstanding contributions to the field of remote sensing and the geographic community through their research, teaching, and/or outreach.
Outstanding Contributions Award in Remote Sensing
Sponsored by the RSSG since 1992, this award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of remote sensing and to the geographic community through their remote sensing research, teaching, and/or outreach. Nominations can be made only by a member of the RSSG.
For deadlines and submission details, contact the specialty group chair.