Regular: $10
Student: $5
Members from developing countries are highly encouraged to join, and pay no membership dues.
Chair: Nicholas Padilla, Western Michigan University
Vice Chair: Sylvia Cifuentes, Mount Holyoke
Secretary-Treasurer: Jose-Benito Rosales Chavez, Arizona State University
Field Study Award
This award supports fieldwork travel and expenses, as well as remote study (i.e. archival work or video interviews) for students working on theses or dissertations about Latin America. There are separate awards for students at the Masters and Ph.D. level. Applicants must be a member of the Latin American Specialty Group for the year in which they apply for the award, as well as registered in a geography department or related discipline or area. Regional area of research in Latin America, including the Caribbean, is given priority.
Best Student Paper Award
This award is intended to recognize graduate students’ contributions to the field of Latin American geography and encourages publication of excellent papers in the Journal of Latin American Geography. The award is given in a single unified category that is open to sole-authored and co-authored papers provided that the lead (or sole) author is a graduate student at any level. Lead author must be a member of the Latin American Specialty Group for the year in which they apply for the award, as well as registered as a graduate student in a geography department or related discipline for at least one semester during the current academic year. Regional area of research in Latin America, including the Caribbean, is given priority.
Solidarity Conference Support Award
This award recognizes the barriers to equitable participation in the AAG annual meeting, as well as the historically white-dominated space of Latin American geographies in academia. The award is intended to support participation of BIPOC attendees in the upcoming AAG annual meeting for early-career and underemployed scholars (graduate students, postdocs, non-tenured faculty or adjunct faculty, and independent or unaffiliated researchers). Preference is given to Latin American institutions or those who self-identify as Latin American or Latinx, and whose work directly relates to Latin American geographies. Up to three awards will be given and funds can be used for in-person or virtual participation.
Log in to the AAG website for the current awards guidelines
For deadlines and submission details, please contact the specialty group vice-chair or log in to your AAG member account and go to the Latin American Specialty Group community to view the most recent awards information.