Regular: $10
Student: $2
Chair: Rachael Cofield, Florida State University
Vice Chair: Erin Collins, Dartmouth College
Past-Chair: Kelsey Emard, Oregon State University
Secretary: Carly Nichols, National University of Singapore
Treasurer: Carrie Chennault, Colorado State University
Social media
Twitter: @Feminist_Geo
Visit the website
Jan Monk Service Award
Named in honor of AAG Past President Jan Monk, this award recognizes a geographer who has made an outstanding service contribution to women in geography and/or feminist geography.
Previous nominations are welcome. To nominate someone for this award, please email the name of your nominee, a letter of recommendation (no more than two single-spaced pages), and the candidate’s CV to femgeogawards@gmail.com.
Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award
Named in honor of AAG Past President Susan Hanson, whose scholarship has been key to extending understandings of the intersections of gender and geography, this award highlights a Ph.D. dissertation proposal that promises to make substantial contributions to the geographic analysis and interpretation of topics related to gender, sexuality, and feminism.
Submissions for all student competitions must be for work created in the current year of nomination. Any work submitted to the past competition is not eligible for the current competition. Proposal must be double-spaced, 12-point font and not more than 10 pages in length, including bibliography. Email the dissertation proposal (as a .doc or .pdf file) to femgeogawards@gmail.com.
Glenda Laws Student Paper Competition
This award is named in memory of feminist geographer Glenda Laws (1959-1996), who, among many other things, was a fabulous mentor to her undergraduate and graduate students. Up to two prizes will be awarded, and both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to participate.
Single-authored or co-authored student papers must derive from and contribute to feminist research in geography. Papers presented at a regional or national geography meeting since the previous annual meeting are eligible for consideration. Papers written for course work during this period will also be considered. Theses, dissertations, published papers, and papers co-authored with a faculty member are not eligible for this competition. Any work submitted to the past competition is not eligible for the current competition.
Papers should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not more than 15 pages in length, not including references. There should be a title page with the student’s name, institution, level of study (B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D.), and when and where the paper was/will be presented or the course title, term and year for which the paper was written, and a 200 word abstract. Submissions should be emailed to femgeogawards@gmail.com.
Rickie Sanders Junior Faculty Award Competition: In recognition of Intersectional-Anti-Racist Feminist Geographies
This award is named in honor of Rickie Sanders, Professor Emeritus of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia. Sanders is the first African American woman in the U.S. to be awarded the Ph.D. in geography and to attain the rank of Full Professor. A previous recipient of the AAG’s Enhancing Diversity Award, Sanders has always been a strong voice among feminist geographers looking to diversify the discipline. Through her long career on urban landscapes, Sanders has consistently looked to make visible the whiteness and “Eurocentric bias [that] serves as a ribbon” running through geography and other disciplines while simultaneously challenging the whiteness of feminism (Sanders 1990; 1992; 2006).
Recipients of this award will be untenured/adjunct faculty members who have made outstanding intersectional and anti-racist contributions to geography and/or the public in scholarship, creative work, public literature, film, journalism etc. Such work will be at once explicitly feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial in substance and spirit. Nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Previous nominations and honorable mentions are also encouraged to reapply. Submissions will comprise the candidate’s CV along with a nomination statement (no more than two single-spaced pages) outlining the appropriateness of the candidate’s “work” as the basis for the award and maximum one letter of support. Submissions should be emailed to femgeogawards@gmail.com.
For deadlines and submission details, contact the specialty group chair or visit the TGSG website.