The Eurasian Specialty Group is a diverse community of researchers, educators, and practitioners brought together by thematic interests regionally spanning Eurasia (the Caucasus, Central Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia). Member research is diverse and includes—but is not limited to—political ecology, resource and environmental management, critical geopolitics, “new” cultural geography, feminist geographies, and economic geography. Our members are located throughout the world and range from undergraduate students to professors emeriti.
Regular $8
Student $1
Chair: Vera Smirnova, Kansas State University
Past chair: Vera Kuklina, George Washington University
The Eurasian specialty group will sponsor all AAG conference sessions related to/involving Eurasia, broadly conceptualized. No advance approval is needed, but if you have questions, feel free to contact the specialty group chair.
The AAG has 75 specialty and affinity groups, which offer members valuable networking opportunities within their areas of interest. To join one of these groups, you must be an AAG member.