Specialty Group

Animal Geographies

The Animal Geographies Specialty Group (AnGSG) strives to enhance geographic research and scholarship on matters relating to human-animal studies by: (a) encouraging the exchange of ideas among geographers studying biological, cultural, ecological, economic, political, and technical aspects of the myriad ways humans co-exist with other animal species, (b) promoting research in these areas, (c) facilitating collaboration between existing AAG specialty groups and committees to promote common interests and develop interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects. Our Google Group is the primary way in which we communicate – subscribe to our group listserv to join the conversation.



Regular: $5
Student: $1


Chair: John-Henry Pitas, Howard Community College

Secretary-Treasurer: Mariya Shcheglovitova, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development



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Geography Essentials, Planning and Development, Spatial Narratives

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