Topographical lines simulating barbed wire

Spatial Analytics and Abolitionist Futures

This hybrid event will convene a panel of scholars and activists who are working against carceral spatial analytics using abolitionist methodologies and digital tools.

November 4, 2022, 4:30pm Eastern Time – November 4, 2022, 6:30pm Eastern Time

How can geographers and spatial thinkers divest from surveillance and carceral control in our research?

This hybrid event will convene a panel of scholars and activists who are working against carceral spatial analytics using abolitionist methodologies and digital tools.


Featured panelists:
  • Erin McElroy and Terra Graziani from the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
  • Tim Stallmann from the Counter-Cartograpies Collective
  • Puck Lo from Community Justice Exchange
  • Making Abolition in Geography Group

  • AAG Socialist & Critical Geography Specialty Group
  • Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) at the AAG
  • Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at NC State University, College of Natural Resources

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