AAG has many ways for you to designate your support to what is of greatest importance to you. You can choose to support the next generation of geographers, strengthen academic geography, support new initiatives to grow the discipline, or one of our many award funds. Make a gift and help to secure geography’s position as a leader in generating new ideas and knowledge needed to create a sustainable future for our world.
AAG Student Travel Funds
- AAG Student Travel Fund — Your support of the AAG Student Travel Fund enables students to participate in AAG annual meetings by subsidizing their travel costs. Donate
- AAG Annual Meeting Community College Travel Fund — Supports outstanding students from community colleges, junior colleges, city colleges, or similar two-year educational institutions by providing AAG annual meeting registration, one year membership in the AAG, and a travel expense subsidy of $500 to be used to defray the costs of attending the AAG Annual Meeting. Donate
Area of Greatest Need
Your unrestricted gift allows AAG to direct your donation to initiatives that are important and timely. We’ve recently used unrestricted funds to convene fourteen panels to provide geographers with the tools and knowledge they need to contribute to their state’s redrawing of congressional districts, produce a video to help geography departments recruit students into their programs, and to expand our career development webinars and online summer learning series for graduate students. Donate
AAG Enhancing Diversity Fund
Contributions to support the AAG Enhancing Diversity Fund will help AAG enhance diversity, promote inclusion, and broaden participation in the discipline. Additionally, the Fund supports the Enhancing Diversity Award which honors geographers who have led the way toward encouraging a more diverse discipline over the course of several years. Donate
The Richardson Endowment for Geography’s Future
The Richardson Endowment for Geography’s Future is designed to ensure a long-term, stable fund that will allow the AAG to advance geography broadly in the years ahead. Interest accrued from the endowment will provide sustained resources that can be used to strengthen academic geography, provide leadership training, and create opportunities for our next generation of geographers. Donate
AAG Public Policy Initiatives
Ensure that the AAG can effectively monitor education policy and engage in public policy with your contribution. Your support means that we will maintain eyes, ears, and a voice on Capitol Hill and within the federal agencies whose policies directly impact the future of geography. Donate
Developing Regions Membership Fund
The developing regions fund was established in 2008 by the AAG in order to assist geographers in obtaining access to member benefits at the deeply discounted rate. Donations to the fund aid those geographers who live in a developing region and have an annual salary of less than $25,000 participate in the AAG scholarly community through access to journals, specialty groups, discounted Annual Meeting fees, and AAG grants and awards. Read more about the Developing Regions Program. Donate
The Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography
The Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography has been established in memory of the late Dr. Thomas (Tom) Wilbanks, a former AAG President and long-standing AAG member, who earned the admiration and respect of colleagues around the world for his many years of scholarship and research bridging the academic, public and private sectors. Donate
Unemployed & Underemployed Geographer Support Fund
Unemployed or Underemployed geographers who are AAG Members are encouraged to apply for the AAG Conference Assistant opportunity to help offset their meeting registration costs. All applicants must be registered and paid for the meeting, to be chosen as a conference volunteer, and can fill out the Conference Volunteer Application form. The deadline for applications is December 7th. Please help fellow geographers in need by contributing to this program. Donate
Mel Marcus Fund in Support of Physical Geography
Carry on the tradition of excellence and humanity in fieldwork espoused by Dr. Melvin G. Marcus with your gift. Grants awarded will foster personally formative participation by students collaborating with faculty in field-based physical geography research in challenging outdoor environments. Donate
Marble Fund for Geographic Science
Support the William L. Garrison Award for Best Dissertation in Computational Geography for innovative research in the computational aspects of geographic science and the Marble-Boyle Undergraduate Achievement Awards for academic excellence and efforts to bridge geographic science and computer science. Donate
Stanley Brunn Fund
Help fund the Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography, which is given annually to an individual geographer or team that has demonstrated originality, creativity, and significant intellectual breakthroughs in geography. Donate
Meredith F. Burrill Fund
Honor the many and varied contributions that Meredith F. Burrill made to the profession of geography as an academic, senior government official, and officer of the Association of American Geographers with a donation to the Meredith F. Burrill Fund. This fund inspires the Meredith F. Burrill Award, which rewards talented individuals and groups whose work of exceptional merit and quality lies at or near the intersection of basic research in geography on the one hand, and practical applications or policy implications on the other. Donate
Harm J. de Blij Fund
The Harm J. de Blij Fund provides monies for the Harm J. de Blij Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Geography Teaching. This annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in teaching undergraduate Geography, including the use of innovative teaching methods, for instructors for whom undergraduate teaching is a primary responsibility. Donate
Dissertation Research Grants Fund
Donations to the Dissertation Research Grants Fund help to support doctoral candidates during their finishing stages of dissertation work. PhD candidates from any geographic specialty who are presented with a Dissertation Research Grant will receive the award in the form of small grants of up to $1000. Donate
Research Grants Fund
Your contributions to the Research Grants Fund help to provide small grants of up to $500 to support research and fieldwork.This fund is used to finance direct research costs and is not given to masters or doctoral research. A selection committee at the AAG determines the award recipients. Donate
Atlas Fund
Be a part of recognizing and celebrating outstanding accomplishments that advance world understanding in exceptional ways by contributing to the Atlas Fund which supports the Atlas Award. The Atlas Award, represented with the image of Atlas bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders, is a powerful metaphor for the work of our nominees as they have taken the weight of the world on their shoulders and moved it forward, whether in science, politics, scholarship, the arts, or in war and peace. Donate
Darrel Hess Community College Geography Scholarship
Assist geography majors as they transfer their studies from community colleges, junior colleges, city colleges, or similar two-year educational institutions to four year colleges and universities by donating to the Darrel Hess Community College Geography Scholarship. This national scholarship program for community college students was originally set up by Darrel Hess, author of McKnight’s Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, published by Pearson and consists of two $1,500 scholarships to community college students annually. Donate
John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize Fund
The Jackson Prize was established to encourage and reward American geographers who write books about the United States which convey the insights of professional geography in language that is interesting and attractive to a lay audience. Your contributions to the J. B. Jackson Prize Fund will help to maintain the $500 annual award to authors. Donate
Glenda Laws Fund
Donations to the Glenda Laws Fund supports the Glenda Laws Award, named in memory of Glenda Laws—a geographer who brought energy and enthusiasm to her work on issues of social justice and social policy. The Glenda Laws Award recognizes outstanding contributions to geographic research on social issues. The annual award and honorarium is administered by the American Association of Geographers and endorsed by members of the Institute of Australian Geographers, the Canadian Association of Geographers, and the Institute of British Geographers. Donate
Ruby Miller Scholarship Fund
Member support of the Ruby S. Miller Fund provides financing for the AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award annual award. This award recognizes members of the Association who have made truly outstanding contributions to the geographic field due to their special competence in teaching, mentoring, informal education, basic or applied research. More than one award may be awarded each year. Donate
J. Warren Nystrom Fund
A fund established for the J. Warren Nystrom Award by former AAG Executive Director J. Warren Nystrom supports an annual prize for a paper based upon a recent dissertation in geography. Donate
Anne U. White Fund
Engaging in useful field studies and experiencing the joy of working alongside their partners was something that Anne White cherished through her life. Contributions to this fund, originally set up by Anne and Gilbert White, enable geographers to engage in fieldwork with their partners, whether their partner is a member of the AAG or not. Monies from this fund are distributed in $1,500 awards to ensure partners have the ability to conduct their research side by side. Donate
AAG Specialty and Affinity Groups
Donations to the AAG Specialty and Affinity Groups supports the many travel grants, paper competitions, and honors and awards to their faculty and student members at the AAG Annual Meeting. AAG Specialty and Affinity Groups are voluntary associations of AAG members who share interests in regions or topics. To date, there are more than 70 specialty/affinity groups in the AAG. After donating, you will be contacted by a staff member to select the specific group that you would like to support with your donation. Find out more about and browse the list of all the AAG Specialty and Affinity Groups.
AAG Regional Divisions
Donations to some of the AAG Regional Divisions supports regional division annual meetings, special events, field trips, and communications with our members throughout the year. After donating, you will be contacted by a staff member to select the specific group that you would like to support with your donation. Find out more about and browse the list of all the AAG Regional Divisions.
Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) Student Travel Awards Fund
Help undergraduate and graduate student members of GTU attend the AAG annual meeting by providing much-needed travel subsidies. Donate
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If you have questions about how you can support AAG, please email donate@aag.org.