AAG Media Achievement Award
The September 30, 2024 deadline has passed. New applications will not be accepted until next year. Please monitor the website for when the application window reopens.
The AAG Media Achievement Award is conferred in recognition of exceptional and outstanding accomplishments in communicating geographical insights through media including television, film, video and/or social media.
One AAG Media Achievement Award may be recommended each year by the AAG Honors Committee, but the award is not necessarily given every year. The AAG Media Achievement Award and the AAG Publication Award are selected by the AAG Honors Committee.
To make a nomination:
Nominations are invited from individual AAG members, specialty groups, affinity groups, departments, and other interested parties. Please submit a nominating letter and the candidate’s CV. Although letters of support are not required for a nomination, most nomination dossiers include 3-5 letters documenting the nominee’s contributions to and impact on geography as they relate to the purpose of the award.
Nominations should be submitted by the deadline by completing the online application form. Please gather all required supporting documents before completing the online application. The application form will require you to upload all supporting documents before being able to complete your submission. You cannot save a partially completed form and return to it later so it is important to have all materials ready before accessing the online application form. For questions, please reach out to grantsawards@aag.org.
As with all other AAG awards, eligibility also rests on the candidate being in compliance with the AAG Professional Conduct Policy. Nominations may be rescinded, and the award may also be revoked for any candidate or awardee who is found in violation of the AAG’s Professional Conduct Policy.
AAG Media Achievement Award Recipients
Mauris non tempor quam, et lacinia sapien. Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate. Etiam elit elit, elementum sed varius at, adipiscing vitae est. Sed nec felis pellentesque, lacinia dui sed, ultricies sapien. Pellentesque orci lectus, consectetur vel posuere.

Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel and Melissa Guardaro
The 2024 Media Achievement Award is awarded to Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, and Melissa Guardaro for their work at Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University. This accomplished team of researchers employs a diverse range of geographic methods and approaches to generate world-class research on the urgent challenges posed by extreme heat. They adeptly transform their findings into actionable knowledge in the policy and community spheres. Their work has been featured in various high profile outlets, including Nightly News with Lester Holt, the Today Show, Good Morning America, The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Geographic, Rolling Stone Magazine, Slate, The Guardian, The Weather Channel, National Public Radio, Scientific American, High Country News, Los Angeles Times, Dallas Morning News, Wired, The New Yorker, CBS Sunday Morning, and many more. Their sustained efforts in science communication and sharing concrete, actionable steps to address extreme heat are significantly influencing the public policy landscape in Arizona, effectively demonstrating the value of geographical research in addressing our most pressing environmental problems.
For all these reasons, the AAG proudly recognizes Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, and Melissa Guardaro with the 2024 AAG Media Achievement Award.

2024 AAG Media Achievement Award
Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel and Melissa Guardaro
2024 AAG Media Achievement Award
The 2024 Media Achievement Award is awarded to Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, and Melissa Guardaro for their work at Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University. This accomplished team of researchers employs a diverse range of geographic methods and approaches to generate world-class research on the urgent challenges posed by extreme heat. They adeptly transform their findings into actionable knowledge in the policy and community spheres. Their work has been featured in various high profile outlets, including Nightly News with Lester Holt, the Today Show, Good Morning America, The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Geographic, Rolling Stone Magazine, Slate, The Guardian, The Weather Channel, National Public Radio, Scientific American, High Country News, Los Angeles Times, Dallas Morning News, Wired, The New Yorker, CBS Sunday Morning, and many more. Their sustained efforts in science communication and sharing concrete, actionable steps to address extreme heat are significantly influencing the public policy landscape in Arizona, effectively demonstrating the value of geographical research in addressing our most pressing environmental problems.
For all these reasons, the AAG proudly recognizes Patricia Solís, David Hondula, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, and Melissa Guardaro with the 2024 AAG Media Achievement Award.

Sue Bergeron, Frank LaFone, Barbara MacLennan and Jesse Rouse
Sue Bergeron, Frank LaFone, Barbara MacLennan and Jesse Rouse, co-founders of VerySpatial.com, for launching an internationally known, award-winning podcast providing outstanding geographic content and teaching methods to geography enthusiasts and educators around the world for 15 years.

2022 AAG Media Achievement Award
Sue Bergeron, Frank LaFone, Barbara MacLennan and Jesse Rouse
2022 AAG Media Achievement Award
Sue Bergeron, Frank LaFone, Barbara MacLennan and Jesse Rouse, co-founders of VerySpatial.com, for launching an internationally known, award-winning podcast providing outstanding geographic content and teaching methods to geography enthusiasts and educators around the world for 15 years.

Joshua Inwood
Joshua Inwood, Pennsylvania State University, for his distinguished record of achievement in media engagement on important topics that advance societal understanding of racism, civil rights, and social justice.

2022 AAG Media Achievement Award
Joshua Inwood
2022 AAG Media Achievement Award
Joshua Inwood, Pennsylvania State University, for his distinguished record of achievement in media engagement on important topics that advance societal understanding of racism, civil rights, and social justice.

Richard Campanella
Richard Campanella for exemplifying how to employ popular media to engage the public in geographical scholarship.

2021 AAG Media Achievement Award
Richard Campanella
2021 AAG Media Achievement Award
Richard Campanella for exemplifying how to employ popular media to engage the public in geographical scholarship.

Keith Debbage
Keith Debbage for his exceptional work in communicating geographic research to the public.

2020 AAG Media Achievement Award
Keith Debbage
2020 AAG Media Achievement Award
Keith Debbage for his exceptional work in communicating geographic research to the public.

Minelle Mahtani
2012 Minelle Mahtani, University of Toronto for her outstanding research in the area of minority representation in geography, her contributions to the Geography Faculty Development Alliance and her use of multimedia to enhance diversity initiatives, demonstrating her oustanding efforts to encourage a more diverse discipline. Dr. Mahtani initiated a tradition, together with the editors of Social & Cultural Geography for an article celebrating the AAG Glenda Laws Awardee. Her inaugural article citation is: Minelle Mahtani (2014) Toxic geographies: absences in critical race thought and practice in social and cultural geography, Social & Cultural Geography, 15:4, 359-367, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2014.888297

2019 AAG Media Achievement Award
Minelle Mahtani
2019 AAG Media Achievement Award
2012 Minelle Mahtani, University of Toronto for her outstanding research in the area of minority representation in geography, her contributions to the Geography Faculty Development Alliance and her use of multimedia to enhance diversity initiatives, demonstrating her oustanding efforts to encourage a more diverse discipline. Dr. Mahtani initiated a tradition, together with the editors of Social & Cultural Geography for an article celebrating the AAG Glenda Laws Awardee. Her inaugural article citation is: Minelle Mahtani (2014) Toxic geographies: absences in critical race thought and practice in social and cultural geography, Social & Cultural Geography, 15:4, 359-367, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2014.888297

Allen Carroll
Allen Carroll is recognized for his career as Art Director at National Geographic Magazine, Executive Vice President at National Geographic Maps, and his unparalleled contributions to the dissemination of and public access to geographical results, concepts, and tools such as ESRI’s story maps and other open source tools.

2018 AAG Media Achievement Award
Allen Carroll
2018 AAG Media Achievement Award
Allen Carroll is recognized for his career as Art Director at National Geographic Magazine, Executive Vice President at National Geographic Maps, and his unparalleled contributions to the dissemination of and public access to geographical results, concepts, and tools such as ESRI’s story maps and other open source tools.

Matthew Rosenberg
Matthew Rosenberg is recognized for his success in promoting greater understanding of geography through web and social media, as well as through his other publications and work.

2016 AAG Media Achievement Award
Matthew Rosenberg
2016 AAG Media Achievement Award
Matthew Rosenberg is recognized for his success in promoting greater understanding of geography through web and social media, as well as through his other publications and work.

Robert Kitchin
Robert Kitchin is recognized for his exceptional work both on the media and in the media, and for advancing our understanding of media geography.

2015 AAG Media Achievement Award
Robert Kitchin
2015 AAG Media Achievement Award
Robert Kitchin is recognized for his exceptional work both on the media and in the media, and for advancing our understanding of media geography.

Marshall Shepherd
Marshall Shepherd is a frequently sought out expert on weather, climate, and remote sensing by a multitude of news programs. He hosts “Weather Geeks” on The Weather Channel and has inspired numerous students to pursue careers in the field.

2015 AAG Media Achievement Award
Marshall Shepherd
2015 AAG Media Achievement Award
Marshall Shepherd is a frequently sought out expert on weather, climate, and remote sensing by a multitude of news programs. He hosts “Weather Geeks” on The Weather Channel and has inspired numerous students to pursue careers in the field.

Derek Alderman
Derek Alderman in recognition of his dedication to promoting the important role that geography plays in people’s lives through public media outlets.

2014 AAG Media Achievement Award
Derek Alderman
2014 AAG Media Achievement Award
Derek Alderman in recognition of his dedication to promoting the important role that geography plays in people’s lives through public media outlets.

William G. Moseley
William G. Moseley for his effective use of the media to raise public understanding of social and environmental issues in Africa and beyond, and his success in fostering awareness of the insights that can come from bringing a geographical perspective to bear on those issues.

2013 AAG Media Achievement Award
William G. Moseley
2013 AAG Media Achievement Award
William G. Moseley for his effective use of the media to raise public understanding of social and environmental issues in Africa and beyond, and his success in fostering awareness of the insights that can come from bringing a geographical perspective to bear on those issues.

Joshua Muldavin
Joshua Muldavin for his geographical insight into the major issues confronting a large portion of the world that would otherwise go unnoticed, and in recognition of his outstanding promotion of geography through various global media.

2010 AAG Media Achievement Award
Joshua Muldavin
2010 AAG Media Achievement Award
Joshua Muldavin for his geographical insight into the major issues confronting a large portion of the world that would otherwise go unnoticed, and in recognition of his outstanding promotion of geography through various global media.

Harm J. de Blij
Harm J. de Blij for his extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the discipline and for his longstanding contributions to the public awareness for geography both nationally and internationally.

2008 AAG Media Achievement Award
Harm J. de Blij
2008 AAG Media Achievement Award
Harm J. de Blij for his extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the discipline and for his longstanding contributions to the public awareness for geography both nationally and internationally.
Craig Colten
Craig Colten, Louisiana State University, for his many significant contributions while a government employee during his early career and, later, as an academic.
2006 AAG Media Achievement Award
Craig Colten
2006 AAG Media Achievement Award
Craig Colten, Louisiana State University, for his many significant contributions while a government employee during his early career and, later, as an academic.
Joni K. Seager
Media Achievement Award
2005 AAG Media Achievement Award
Joni K. Seager
2005 AAG Media Achievement Award
Media Achievement Award

Mark Monmonier
2002 Mark Monmonier, Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and Future of Privacy, University of Chicago Press.

2000 AAG Media Achievement Award
Mark Monmonier
2000 AAG Media Achievement Award
2002 Mark Monmonier, Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and Future of Privacy, University of Chicago Press.
David DiBiase
David DiBiase, Esri
1999 AAG Media Achievement Award
David DiBiase
1999 AAG Media Achievement Award
David DiBiase, Esri

Antoine Bailly
Antoine Bailly for bringing international acclaim to geography through his work as Scientific Director of the Festival International Géographique. |

1997 AAG Media Achievement Award
Antoine Bailly
1997 AAG Media Achievement Award
Antoine Bailly for bringing international acclaim to geography through his work as Scientific Director of the Festival International Géographique. |