The AAG welcomes two new editors to take the positions of Cartography Editor for the AAG Journals (AnnalsThe Professional Geographer, and GeoHumanities) and the Methods, Models, and GIS Editor for the Annals of the AAG starting January 1, 2018. Stephen Hanna will be taking over for Cartography Editor Thomas Hodler while Ling Bian will assume the role of the Methods, Models and GIS Editor as Mei-Po Kwan steps down. The AAG would like to send a very special thank you to Thomas Hodler and Mei-Po Kwan for their years of extraordinary service in these positions.

The new Cartography Editor for the AAG suite of journals, Stephen Hanna, is a professor of geography at University of Mary Washington. Hanna’s research is focused on critical cartography and heritage tourism, and his expertise is well documented in numerous cartographic projects. He has produced dozens of maps for his own published work in outlets ranging from academic articles and books to newspapers such as The Washington Post as well as creating more than 50 maps for scholars in other disciplines. He has served as the cartography editor for multiple edited volumes and mentors students in cartographic design principles to prepare them for a successful career.

Ling Bian, professor of geography at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, will assume editorial responsibilities for Methods, Models and GIS at the Annals of the AAG. Bian currently serves on the editorial board of the Annals and has previously served on the editorial board of The Professional Geographer and as Associate Editor of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Bringing decades of publication experience in topics related to GIScience, remote sensing, and geographic image retrieval, Bian’s recent research focuses on individual-based and spatially explicit behavior modeling in human health applications.

The AAG would like to express its appreciation for the work of Thomas Hodler as the past Cartography Editor for the AAG Journals. Hodler, an emeritus professor at the University of Georgia, has contributed his cartographic expertise to the AAG journals for over a decade. Maps serve as the visual counterpoint to geographic research, and Hodler has provided valuable insight and guidance to ensure that the cartography published in AAG journals is of high caliber.

A sincere thank you and farewell to Mei-Po Kwan as she leaves her post as the Methods, Models and GIS Editor for the Annals. A professor of geography at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Kwan has served as the Methods, Models and GIS editor since January of 2006. Under Mei-Po’s guidance, the number of submissions to and citations from the Methods, Models and GIS section have increased substantially. Mei-Po Kwan’s dedication, intellect and hard work as an editor has been praised by Annals authors and is greatly appreciated by the AAG.