AAG and Esri launch ConnectED GeoMentors Program
The Association of American Geographers and Esri are working together to develop a nationwide network of GeoMentors to support the U.S. Department of Education’s ConnectED Initiative, for which Esri has donated $1 billion of ArcGIS Online software to all K-12 schools in the U.S. GeoMentors will help maximize the benefits of this donation by assisting schools and teachers with introducing GIS and associated geographic concepts into classrooms across the country.
The AAG is building a diverse and talented network of GeoMentors, recruiting from the broad GIS community including all disciplines engaged with GIS, from the social to the physical sciences, and individuals across all sectors (public, private, academic, NGOs). From GIS practitioners and graduate students, to professors and geographic information scientists, the AAG welcomes the entire GIS and geography community to volunteer their skills and experience as GeoMentors and help make a difference in improving GIS and geographic learning in schools. Visit www.geomentors.net for more information, or sign up to be a GeoMentor today at www.geomentors.net/participate.
The AAG will help train GeoMentors to work effectively with teachers and facilitate linkages between qualified GeoMentors and teachers or schools based on needs, expertise and interests. GeoMentors will have access to online materials that illustrate strategies for GIS implementation in the classroom and receive support via online GeoMentors Program communities where they can learn from and communicate with fellow program participants and program facilitators.
The GeoMentors Program will officially launch at the AAG Annual Meeting in Chicago. Look for activities throughout the week to learn more about the program and sign up to be a GeoMentor.