2021 AAG Specialty and Affinity Group Awards

Photo of bright sparkly lights on dark background

The AAG’s 75 interest-based specialty groups and eight affinity groups recognize their members accomplishments over the course of the year. Following are the awardees within each group for 2021:

Africa Specialty Group

Distinguished Emerging Scholar Award, Hanson Nyantakyi-Frimpong, University of Denver

Florence Margai Student Paper Award, Matthieu Ahouangbenon, University of Delaware

Graduate Research Award, Dinko Hanaan Dinko, University of Denver

Animal Geographies Specialty Group

Animal Geography Graduate Student Presentation Award, Jacquelyn  Johnston, Florida International University, Death in the dark: Ethical considerations of making animal death visible through public records data mining in multispecies research

Applied Geography Specialty Group

Applied Geography Travel & Research Award

  • Changzhen Wang, Delineation of Cancer Service Areas Anchored by Major Cancer Centers in the USA
  • Claire  Burch, Energy sector buy-in and climate change solutions: A case study of support and trust of climate change initiatives in Oklahoma
  • Xiantong Wang, Quantifying the Temporal Pattern of Land Change of a Time Series: an Analysis on Categorical Variables with MapBiomas
  • Dan Tian, BLP3-SP: A Bayesian Log-Pearson Type III model with Spatial Priors for reducing uncertainty in flood frequency analyses
  • Jiyoung Lee, Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nighttime Crimes in Vienna, Austria
  • Lauren Mabe, Application of a decentralized approach to waste facility siting: the case of food waste in Los Angeles County, California
  • Hanlin Zhou, Using Street View Imagery to Examine the Relationship between Perception of Park Environments and Time Spent in Parks

Asian Geography Specialty Group

Graduate Student Paper Competition, Shamayeta  Bhattacharya

Graduate Student Research Fellowship, David  Bachrach

Biogeography Specialty Group

Parsons Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Biogeography, Kathleen Parker, University of Georgia

Best Master’s Student Paper Presentation, Tali Hamilton, Texas Tech University, The Effects of Grass Invasion and Fire Severity on Acacia koa Regeneration

Best Ph.D. Student Paper Presentation, Jonathan Kleinman, University of Alabama, Department of Geography, Floristic indicators of ecosystem recovery after wind, logging, and fire in a Pinus woodland

Student Research Grant, Clara Mosso, Colorado State University – Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Urban expansion into native forest: Assessing impacts on fire risk and ecosystem services provision in San Martín de los Andes (Neuquén) and Aspen (Colorado)

Cowles Award for Best Biogeography Publication, Evan Larson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, People, Fire, and Pine: Linking Human Agency and Landscape in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Beyond, published in the Annals of the AAG

Master’s Student Presentation Award, Tali Hamilton, Texas Tech, The Effects of Grass Invasion and Fire Severity on Acacia koa Regeneration in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Ph.D. Student Presentation Award, Jonathan Kleinman, University of Alabama, Floristic Indicators of Ecosystem Recovery after Wind, Logging, and Fire in a Pinus woodland

Ph.D. Student Research Award, Clara Mosso, Colorado State University, Urban expansion into native forest: Assessing impacts on fire risk and ecosystem services provision in San Martín de los Andes (Neuquén) and Aspen (Colorado)

James J. Parsons Award for Lifetime Achievement in Biogeography, Kathleen Parker, University of Georgia

Henry C. Cowles Award for Best Biogeography Publication, Evan Larson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, People, Fire, and Pine: Linking human agency and landscape in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and beyond

Black Geographies Specialty Group

Graduate Student Travel Award, Maya Kearney

Clyde Woods Black Geographies Specialty Group Graduate Student Paper Award, Zaira Simone, CUNY, Earth and Environmental Systems,  Essay: Tek Down Nelson! The Struggle for Repair in Barbados

Caribbean Geography Specialty Group

Travel Award, Jenna Pulice

Conference support award, Suzanne Nimoh, University of Texas at Austin

Cartography Specialty Group

Travel Grant for Underrepresented Groups

  • Morgan P. Vickers
  • Fikriyah Winata

China Specialty Group

Best Student Paper Award

  • Lisha He, The University of Hong Kong, The uneven geography of Chinese real estate investment in the United States: Local market conditions, migration and ethnic networks
  • Yining Tan, Arizona State University, Cross-border Mobility of Skilled Migrants from the US to China: Migration Motivations and Return Intentions (runner up)

Outstanding Service Award

  • Ronald Knapp, The State University of New York New Paltz
  • Qihao Weng, Indiana State university

Climate Specialty Group

Lifetime Achievement Award, Andrew Comrie

Student Paper Competition

  • Daniel Vecellio (1st place)
  • Flavia Moraes (2nd place)
  • Lori Wachowicz (3rd place)
  • Holli Capps (3rd place)

John Russell Mather Paper of the Year, Ariane Middel, Arizona State University, Solar reflective pavements — A policy panacea to heat mitigation?

Coastal and Marine Specialty Group

Norbert Psuty Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention,

Norb Psuty Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention,

Norbert Psuty Student Paper Competition

  • Pei Zhang, University of Alabama, An algorithm for objective analysis of grainflow morphology (winner)
  • Thomas Bilintoh, Clark University, A Generalized Method to Quantify the Dynamics of a Specific Category to Compare Sites (honorable mention)
  • Duc Nguyen, University of Otago, Incident wind direction and topographic steering through foredune notches (honorable mention)

Critical Geographies of Education

Critical Geographies of Education Dissertation Award, Symon James-Wilson, Geographies and Infrastructures of School Segregation: A Historical Case Study of Rochester, NY

Cultural and Political Ecology

CAPE Scholar-Activist, Sara Maxwell, Seeing the people for the trees: Connecting plant labor to human lives in fighting a biomass wood pellet factory in North Carolina

Graduate Student Paper Award, Cynthia Morinville, The Toil of Waste: capitalist value and biopolitics in the global e-waste economy

Student Field Study Award

  • Zachary Tabor, A Scourge on Texas: Identifying local Scale CWD and Feral Hog Management Strategies
  • Hernán  Bianchi Benguria, Demystifying Electromobility: The lithium hinterland and socioenvironmental transformationin the Atacama Desert

Student Paper Award, Julia Sizek, Regulatory Alchemy

Cultural Geography Specialty Group

Denis Cosgrove Ph.D. Research Award, Ned Wilbur

Honararium – CGSG Paper Competition Judge, Caitie Finlayson

M.A. Research Award, Kiera McMaster

Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov Paper Award, Travis Bost

Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group

Robert Raskin Student Competition

  • Lin Yue, The Ohio State University, Traffic density estimation from camera feeds using deep learning and high accuracy regions (1st place)
  • Arif Masrur, Pennsylvania State University, Multi-scale machine learning for interpreting spatiotemporally heterogeneous drivers of geographic events (1st place)
  • Ahmad Ilderim Tokey, University of Toledo, Mobility During COVID-19 in the USA: Its Spatiotemporal Pattern and Associations with COVID Cases (3rd place)

Digital Geography

Racial Justice Award

  • Emily Barrett
  • Wenfei Xu
  • Isaac Rivera
  • Candice Wilfong
  • Joyce-Ann Percel

Disability Speciality Group

Todd Reynolds Student Paper Competition, Caitlin Joseph, Temple University, My Body, The Planet: On the potential of relational geographies of disability within the climate change discourse

Economic Geography Specialty Group

Best dissertation award

  • Wanjing Chen, The Power of Mirage: State, Capital, and Politics in the Grounding of ‘Belt and Road’ in Laos
  • Erin Torkelson, Taken for Granted: Geographies of Social Welfare in South Africa
  • Leslie Gross-Wyrtzen, Bordering Blackness: The Production of Race in the Morocco-EU Immigration Regime (honorable mention)

Best Student Paper in Economic Geography, Samuel Nowak, The social lives of network effects: Platform urbanism, speculation, and collective risk management amongst gig workers in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia

Graduate Research Award, Albina Gibadullina

Energy and Environment Speciality Group

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion Award

  • Zihan Kan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Edgar Andres Virguez Rodriguez, Ph.D. Candidate at Duke University

Best Student Paper, Carelle Mang-Benza, University of Western Ontario, Many shades of pink in the energy transition: Seeing women in energy extraction, production, distribution, and consumption

Dissertation Data and Field Work Award

  • Elena Louder, University of Arizona, Renewing Injustice? A multi-scalar examination of solar energy development in Chile’s Atacama Desert
  • Saumya Vaishnava, Pennsylvania State University

Ethnic Geography Specialty Group

Early Career Award, Paul McDaniel, Kennesaw State University

Eurasian Specialty Group

Research/Travel/Conference Travel Award

  • Sameera Ibrahim, University of Wisconsin
  • Francis Naylor, University of Colorado at Boulder

European Specialty Group

Student Paper Competition

  • Samantha Brown, Univeristy of Oregon, Pork Politics: What the Danish Meatball War Can Teach Us About Race, Migration, Identity and Belonging
  • Beth Nelson, University of South Carolina, Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion: Algerians in France

Feminist Geographies Specialty Group

Glenda Laws Student Paper Award, Annie Elledge, UNC-Chapel Hill; Her paper, The Future of Corpulence: Geographies of Fatness, Medical Care, and Tomorrow, pushes feminist geographers to rethink theorizations of fat embodiment, neoliberal control of the body, as well as conceptions of “fat futures.” The awards committee was particularly impressed by the paper’s ambitious scope, which combines literatures on geographies of fatness with work on national and neoliberal embodiment, frameworks in health geographies on the violence of care, and work in Black geographies on futurity.

Jan Monk Service Award, Ann Oberhauser, Iowa State University; This award recognizes her significant service to women in geography and/or feminist geography. As a feminist scholar and mentor, Dr. Oberhauser also has a distinguished record of service to women in geography. She has served on the AAG Committee on the Status of Women in Geography, the Executive Committee of the IGU Commission, and the Executive Board of this specialty group. In this time, she played an important role in facilitating the name change of this group.

Rickie Sanders Junior Faculty Award, Caroline Faria, University of Texas, Austin, Recent Publication: Faria, C. and Whitesell, D., 2021. Global retail capital and urban futures: Feminist postcolonial perspectives. Geography Compass, 15(1): https://doi.org/10.1111/gec3.12551

Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award, Vivian Deidre Rodriguez Rocha, Pennsylvania State University; Her proposal, “Counter-topographies of care: Caring activism in the movement for women’s lives in Mexico” centers the material practices of women’s protest movements against femicide in urban space in central Mexico. The committee was intrigued by the proposed investigation into how women’s intimate care-practices in and through protests rework urban landscapes and assert women’s right to the city. Further, her mixed-method approach to documenting a counter-cartography of women’s solidarities in urban space and long-term partnership with anti-violence feminist organizers on the ground exemplify a strong commitment to feminist geographical epistemologies and ethics.

Geographic Information Science and Systems

Graduate Honors Student Paper Competition

  • Bing Zhou (1st place)
  • Zhen Liu (2nd place)
  • Scarlett Rakowska (2nd place)

Graduate Honors Student Paper Competition

  • Wataru Morioka
  • Jinwoo Park

Undergraduate Honors Student Paper Competition, Kexin Chen (1st place)

Geographies of Food and Agriculture

Graudate Research Award

  • Lauren Asprooth
  • Atlanta-Marinna Grant

Geography Education Specialty Group

Gail Hobbs Student Paper, Christopher Krause, University of South Carolina,

Geomorphology Specialty Group

Graduate Student Paper Award – Ph.D., Sumaiya Tul Siddique, Louisiana State University, Paper Presentation: Assessing over 100-years of geomorphic and anthropogenic alterations on the Grand River, Michigan

Reds Wolman Research Award

  • M.S. research proposal: Taylor Johaneman, University of Colorado – Boulder, Research Proposal: “Geomorphic and ecological responses to human modification of the Fremont River, Captiol Reef National Park, Utah”
  • Ph.D. research proposal: John Kemper, Colorado State University, Research Proposal: “Sediment-ecological connectivity: establishing the links between tributary morphological processes and downstream riparian vegetation dynamics”

Undergraduate Student Poster Award, Trung Tran, Louisiana State University, Poster Presentation: “A classification of neck cutoffs incorporating cutoff centerline curvature based on a global database of meandering rivers”

Graduate Student Affinity Group

Research & Support Award

  • Rachel  Arney, University of Georgia
  • Vani Singh, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Morgan Vickers, UC Berkeley Department of Geography
  • Grace Chun, University of Hawaii Manoa Geography and Environment Department
  • Mia Dawson, UC Davis
  • Robert Anderson, University of Washington
  • Mindy Price, University of California – Berkeley
  • Carlos Serrano
  • Maritza Geronimo, UCLA
  • Maya Kearney, American University, Department of Anthropology

Travel Award, Sylvia Rocio Cifuentes

Hazards, Risks, and Disasters Specialty Group

The Gilbert F. White Thesis Award, Joseph Toland, University of South California, A model for emergency logistical resource requirements: supporting socially vulnerable populations affected by the (M) 7.8 San Andreas earthquake scenario in Los Angeles County, California

The Gilbert F. White Thesis/Dissertation Award, Marissa Bell, SUNY Buffalo, Energy justice, nuclear landscapes, and consent: An examination of Canadian nuclear waste siting

Health and Medical Geography

Emerging Scholar Award

  • Trang VoPham, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Marta Jankowska, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

Health Data Visualization Award

  • Dynamic: Dylan Halpern, University of Chicago, The US COVID Atlas: https://theuscovidatlas.org
  • Static: Changzhen  Wang, Louisiana State University, Spatial Network of Cancer Care Utilization and Automated Delineation of Cancer Service Areas in Northeast US

Student Travel Award, Zhiyue Xia

Jacques May Thesis Prize

  • Siewying Shee, National University of Singapore, Moving bodies, feeling health: Examining the embodied politics of health-promoting infrastructure in Singapore (Master’s)
  • Makato  Takahashi, Munich Centre for Technology in Society (MCTS) , The Improvised Expert: Performing expert authority after Fukushima (2011-2018), (Ph.D.)
  • Meredith Alberta Palmer, Cornell University, Land, Family, Body: Measurement and the Racial Politics of US Colonialism in Haudenosaunee Country (Ph.D.)

Melinda S. Meade Distinguished Scholar in Health and Medical Geography, Sarah Curtis, Durham University

Peter J. Gould Student Paper Award, Yanzhe  Yin, University of Georgia, DTEx: A dynamic urban thermal exposure index based on human mobility patterns

Historical Geography

Andrew Hill Clark Paper Award

  • Travis Bost, University of Toronto, After Sugar: Plantation Persistence in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana (1st place)
  • Andrew Hill Clark paper award (2nd place), Ian Spangler, University of Kentucky, Sweat matters: on the spatial politics and epistemology of perspiration (2nd place)

Carville Earle Research Award (Ph.D. student), Ian Spangler, U. of Kentucky, Research project: “The Impact of Platform Real Estate Technologies on Housing and Home”

Human Dimensions of Global Change

2021-2022 Student Initiatives for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award, Siya Aggrey, Stellenbosch University

2021-2022 Student Research Grant, Emily Melvin

Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group

Plenary Honorarium

  • Aude Chesnais
  • Josh Meisel
  • David Bartecchi

Landscape Specialty Group

Conference Registration Award (inaugural), Joshua Merced, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Membership Award (naugural), Desiree Valadares, University of California, Berkeley

Landscape Photography Competition

  • Preston Welker, University of Calgary,  for photo titled “The Unruly ‘Natural Landscape:’ Graffiti Pier” (1st place)
  • Pankaj Bajracharya, University of North Carolina Greensboro, for photo titled “Kathmandu Valley” (2nd place)

Student Presentation Competition

  • Sanober Mirza, University of Montana, Understanding Global Perspectives on Large-Landscape Conservation (1st place)
  • Key MacFarlane, University of California, Santa Cruz, The Temporality of Landscape: Between Sauer and Benjamin University (2nd place)

Latin America Specialty Group

Field Study Award, Ph.D. Level: Mirella Pretell Gomero, Syracuse University, Project title: “Environmental Justice and Indigenous Women’s Struggles in the Northern Peruvian Amazon” (2nd place)

Best Student Paper Award, Megan Dwyer Baumann, Pennsylvania State University, Paper title: “No es rentable”: Land rentals as a form of slow exclusion and dispossession in Colombia’s irrigation megaprojects

Student Field Study Award

  • MA Level: Mehrnush Golriz, UCLA, Managing Difference: Inequalities in Boa Vista’s Migrant Shelters
  • Ph.D. Level: Ruchi Patel, Pennsylvania State University, Nature-based tourism, development, and change on El Salvador’s Bálsamo Coast

Latinx Geographies

Mutual Aid Award

  • Hazim Abdullah-Smith
  • Jin Chen

Mutual Aid Funds

  • Channon Oyeniran
  • Flavia Lake
  • Zaira Simone
  • Mernush Golriz
  • Annita Lucchesi
  • Fikriyah Winata
  • Shamayeta Bhattacharya
  • Suzzanne Nimoh
  • Diego Martinez-Lugo

Mountain Geography Specialty Group

Barry Bishop Career Award, Sarah Halvorson, University of Montana, for significant contributions to Mountain Geography over her career

Chimborazo Student Research Grant Award, Elise Arnett, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Using Oblique Aerial Photography from 1931 to Assess Changes in Tropical Glaciers in the Peruvian Andes

Paleoenvironmental Change

Butzer Award, Sally Horn, University of Tennessee

Mosley Thompson Award, Tim Beach, University of Texas, Austin, Beach, T., Luzzadder-Beach, S., Krause, S., Guderjan, T., Valdez, F., Fernandez-Diaz, J.C., Eshleman, S. and Doyle, C., 2019. Ancient Maya wetland fields revealed under tropical forest canopy from laser scanning and multiproxy evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(43), pp.21469-21477

Student Research Award – Ph.D., Jamie Alumbaugh, University of Tennessee, A Multiproxy Record from the Ecuadorian Andes  Incorporating sedaDNA Analysis

Student Poster/Presentation Award, Rebecca Vail, CSU-Sacramento, Reconstructing 4,000 years of fire at Markwood Meadow Sierra National Forest, California

Student Paper/Presentation Award

  • Luke Blentlinger, University of Tennessee, Compound specific stable C and H isotope analyses of vegetation and precipitation change in Belizean pine savanna (M.S.)
  • Julie Edwards, University of Arizona, Multiple climate signals in quantitative wood anatomical measurement of Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Ph.D.)

Political Geography

Alexander B. Murphy Dissertation Enhancement Award, Lauren Fritzsche, University of Arizona

Graduate student paper award in MA/MS category, Grace Chun

Julian Minghi Distinguished Book Award, Sara Smith, University of North Carolina, Intimate Geopolitics: Love, Territory, and the Future on India’s Northern Threshold (Rutgers University Press)

Undergraduate Paper Award, Aubrey Cunningham, The Sino-Indian Border Dispute: A Case of Cartographic Ambiguity and Empire Expansion in the Western Himalayas

Richard Morrill Public Outreach Award, Mia Bennett, University of Hong Kong

Stanley D. Brunn Junior Scholar Award, Danielle Purifoy, University of North Carolina

Virginia Mamadouh Outstanding Research Award, Anna Jackman, Racheal Squire, Johanne Bruun, Pip Thorton, Unearthing feminist territories and terrains (Political Geography 2020)

Queer and Trans Geographies Specialty Group

Graduate Student Conference Fund Award

  • Bobbi Ali Zaman
  • Shamayeta  Bhattacharya
  • Hazim Abdullah-Smith
  • Jinwen Chen
  • Chan Arun-Pina

Recreation, Tourism, and Sport

John Rooney Award, Dallen  Timothy

Student Paper Award, Dalilah Laidin, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Roy Wolfe Award, Salvador Clavé

Remote Sensing

Student Honors Paper Competition Award

  • Qi Dong, Beijing Normal University, Correction of area estimates derived from subpixel mapping: a two-term method (TTM) (1st place)
  • Rowan Converse, University of New Mexico, Assessing drought vegetation dynamics at the landscape scale in semiarid grass and shrubland using MESMA (2nd place)
  • Yuean Qiu, Beijing Normal University, A spatiotemporal fusion method to simultaneously generate full-length normalized difference vegetation index time series (3rd place)
  • Yilun Zhao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Monitoring phenology of deciduous forest community and individuals with multiple satellites (3rd place)

Rural Geography

Student Paper Presentation Award, Clare Beer, University of California, Los Angeles, Big Philanthropy, Big Conservation: Ecology as Resource Spectacle in Chilean Patagonia

Student Research Award, Dinko Hanaan Dinko, Department of Geography & the Environment, University of Denver, Negotiating Water Security for Irrigation and Smallholder Agriculture in Northern Ghana

Socialist and Critical Geography SG

Blaut Award, Richa Nagar, University of Minnesota

Student Paper Award

  • Robert Chlala, USC Sociology
  • Travis Bost, Dept. of Geography & Planning, University of Toronto

Travel Award

  • Ricardo Barbosa Jr., Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group
  • So Hyung Lim, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Yawei Zhao, University of Calgary
  • Amelia Merhar, University of Waterloo, Geography and Environmental Management

Spatial Analysis and Modeling

Student Travel Award

  • Mingzheng  Yang
  • Binbin Lin
  • Connor Donegan
  • Yaxuan Zhang
  • Ruowei Liu
  • Chenxiao Guo
  • Wataru Morioka

John Odland Student Paper Award

  • Jessica Strzempko, Flow matrix avoids problems of the popular Markov matrix
  • Junghwan Kim, An examination of the effects of the neighborhood effect averaging problem (NEAP) on the assessment of sociodemographic disparities in air pollution exposures: Evidence from Los Angeles
  • Joe Chestnut, Exploring the Utility of Gini Coefficients as a Measure of Temporal Variation in Public Transit Travel Time

Transportation Geography

Masters Thesis Award, Elise Desjardins, McMaster University

Dissertation Award, Mischa Young, University of Ontario

Edward L. Ullman Award, Selima Sultana, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, for contributions to the field of Transportation Geography

Undergraduate Student Affinity Group

Undergraduate Student Poster Competition

  • Alexandra Lister, Rattlesnake Safety on the Black Forest Trail (1st pace)
  • Samantha Proulx-Whitcomb, Hurricane Season During a Pandemic: Changes in Disaster Response and Migrant Farmworkers in Hillsborough County, Florida (2nd place)

Urban Geography Specialty Group

Dissertation Award, Elsa  Noterman

Glenda Laws Undergraduate Paper

  • Mariam Abdelaziz
  • Lauren Weber

Graduate Student Fellowship

  • Sameera Ibrahim (M.A.)
  • Sara Tornabene (Ph.D.)

Graduate Student Paper

  • Allen Xiao
  • Diala Lteif, University of Toronto

Virtual Conference Access Award

  • Allen  Xiao
  • Maira Magnani
  • Ivin Yeo
  • Josh Merced
  • Wenjing  Zhang
  • Hung Vo

Water Resources Specialty Group

Student Research Paper

  • Madeline Wade, Texas State University, Community Education and Perceptions of Water Reuse: A Case Study in Norman, OK
  • William Delgado, University of Texas-Austin, Solar desalination: Cases, synthesis, and challenges

Student Research Presentation, Natallia Diessner, University of New Hampshire

Student Research Proposal, Lukman Fashina, East Tennessee State University, Water Quality Assessment of Karst Springwater as a Private Water Supply Source, Northeast Tennessee

Olen Paul Matthews and Kathleen A. Dwyer Fund for Water Resources Award, Michelaina Johnson, UC-Santa Cruz, Towards Equitable Groundwater Governance: A Case Study of California’s Most Critically Overdrafted Coastal Basin

Wine Beer and Spirits

Percy Dougherty Career Achievement Award (inaugural), Percy Dougherty, Kutztown University, As a founding and active member, Percy Dougherty was honored by having the biennial Wine, Beer and Sprits career achievement award named in his honor and being its first recipient
